Lake Michigan Report

  • chriswallace
    Andover, MN
    Posts: 275

    What a whirl wind the last 4 weeks has been! Two states and two countries of fishing! So here is part one of the last few fishing trips I have been on. We took our annual “Wallace Pilgrimage” over to Lake Michigan salmon fishing. I talked to Joel over at The Fishing Tackle Outlet store, who has without a doubt the greatest salmon fishing department this state has. Anything you need to get, he has, copper, lead, all the flies, flashers, dodgers, dipseys, etc, etc.. Joel set me up with a few new spotted cow flashers, and a couple of other “new” flashers, some UV spoons and his flies, pioneer, blue moon, cracked ice.

    Mornings were definitely better than the evenings. Multiple doubles, a couple of triples and the best part of the trip was we had quads and landed all four of them to finish out our limits for the trip with just 3 guys in the boat.

    All of the above gear was what was working. We always like running super rogues on boards for chrome rockets but the water temps were just too hot on the surface.

    All of our fish were caught on the bank out of Sturgeon Bay running riggers down to 60-85 over 135 fow and our dipseys were getting bit best at 110-120 feet out.

    Here are some pictures! The fishing has been incredible out there with NO signs of dying off anytime soon….

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2104

    Nice report and post. Good pictures too.
    A person just has to love the ‘power-pull’ on the line when one of those salmon grabs and goes don’t ya?

    I finally made it over to Port Washington on the 9/10th weekend. One morning was a bust the next morning 5 for 7 and had one (16.8#) in the boat before I had 3 lines set. Glow spoons in the O’dark-thirty hours and then Flashers-n-flies come the day-light…..

    Hope to get over again.
    Thanks for the post…

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