Metro Public Land Buck Year 4

  • BigWerm
    SW Metro
    Posts: 12448

    Well the fact I’m writing and posting this in 2024, should tell all the TL:DR (too long: didn’t read) readers that I did not close the deal on a Metro Public Land buck this year. Again. After 2 successful years in a row, I’m on a 2 year window the other way, and that is ok. If it were easy, it wouldn’t be fun!

    For those of you still interested in the story, and hopefully an opportunity for both of us to learn something, here we go. As is usually the case, I spend a lot of off-season time and most of the early season (Opener thru early to mid-October) mainly scouting. And I really try to hunt hard the last week or two in October through Gun Opener, with the days around Halloween typically being my personal favorite time to get in close with a big buck. Unfortunately our schedule went haywire pre-Halloween with work obligations, and another round of funk with the kids combining to keep me out of the woods almost entirely during my preferred prime time. And once I was able to get out again, at that point I was kind of starting from scratch, so I probably did more mid-season scouting than I have before. Eventually it kinda paid off…

    Pre/Early Season Scouting: In August I jumped an absolute monster that let me follow it for about half a mile before high-tailing to private land and likely a couple counties over, at least. And I had a decent 10 pointer on camera during the summer as well, so optimism was high I’d get one pinned down. Despite some of my other previous big buck spots not showing much this year, and the little bit of sign I did find near the old haunts was clearly not from a buck or bucks I was interested in taking. But the good news was there were some big bucks around, and they were miles apart, so finding sign later would give me a good idea which one I was seeing sign from. This was my first year really using camera’s in my scouting, and to be honest, I really didn’t like it! I don’t want to open up another conversation entirely, so I’ll just say I need to invest in some cell cams, or just keep doing it old school without cameras.

    Early November jackpot! I finally found some real serious rubs and scrapes and that area would get my attention for most of the rest of the year. As you can see in the pics this was not a little basket doing this size and height of damage. So that was the great news, the not so great news is this was in a very highly trafficked area by both hunters and walkers, so I was likely not going to be alone in hunting him and when I was in the woods there was a high likelihood of a non-hunter walking their dog thru or bird-watching or pine cone hunting or any other thing that would lead a non-hunting person into the woods. And yes, those are all real examples encountered this year, such is life hunting metro public land.

    I didn’t have a pic (yet) or see this buck, but I figured he had to be a shooter. My second weekend gun season plans fell through, so I stayed close to home and hunted hard. Eventually the stars and wind aligned and I had him come down a light trail I wasn’t expecting up to 5 yards thru some brush. I wasn’t sure he was the one as he was broke off on the one side I could see at first glance, but as he came closer I knew he was the one! We had a super intense stare down from 10 yards to 5 yards where he knew something was wrong, but wasn’t sure what it was. As a reminder I typically hunt from the ground, with no blind, so we were basically eye to eye with brush blocking off his body and a good shot. Eventually he had enough and bounded off to 20 yards right down one of my shooting lanes, but he had an eye on me and as soon as I moved to get crosshairs on him, he ran off. Not super spooked though, so I didn’t think he was looking for a new home, and I had a good idea where he was coming from. A few nights later, I was in a different spot a couple hundred yards away and he came in right at last light, but I didn’t see him until 5 minutes after shooting hours. Again I didn’t spook him too bad, so thought I would get another chance at him, and felt I was really narrowing down his home territory. Soon after a friend sent me the attached pic that I’m 99.9% sure is the same buck I was seeing. About this same time I chatted with some other guys that were hunting the same piece, and one of the guys was after the same buck. Thankfully he was cool, and we communicated a lot about who was going where, and when, so we would give each other plenty of space, and hopefully one of us would put him down. Unfortunately neither of us saw him again, or the other 10 pointer I had a pic of earlier in the year was never seen all year.

    After about mid-November everything changed. Prior to this I was seeing deer fairly regularly, and could have easily put down a couple baskets, a fork horn and a few does. By the end of November I wasn’t seeing anything and was back to the drawing board. The good, yet frustrating, thing was the amount of sign was still growing by the day and it was clear there were still a ton of deer around, but they were entirely nocturnal or only passing through at night at least. Regardless of weather, barometer or moon phase. Felt like I was zigging when I should have zagged, but in retrospect think I was hunting ghosts that just weren’t there during shooting hours. I also was trying everything, including busting out the old climber but they just went AWOL. I thought they were maybe in the cattails, tried busting thru them and even setup overlooking them a couple nights to glass only to not see any sign of life anywhere out there. Also, thought they were maybe right up against civilization, only to have people walk their dogs right thru the no-hunting zone and into legal hunting areas with nothing being chased out. I chalk this up to late season that I am not accustomed to hunting, and the amount of pressure, both hunter and civilian, that area was getting. One other lesson I learned this year was understanding thermals and wind forecast relationships when hunting river bottoms in bluff country, basically trust your location in proximity to the bluffs over the wind forecast, especially at first and last light. Sorry for the marathon read, but wanted to include as much pertinent info as possible. Anyway it’s about time to start putting miles on for next year, and get a better idea of where they went late season. There’s a couple out there that should be monsters next year!

    (pics incoming)

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12448

    Trying the pics again, rubs, summer 10 and friends pic of the target buck.

    1. C14E4180-E073-46AB-B503-4248C5620A7A.png

    2. E191178C-0A8B-4250-A616-78AD10FF68F8.png

    3. F8546C70-68B0-459A-9C80-5AA1EC3120A5-scaled.jpeg

    Posts: 24606

    Bummer you didnt tag out but that isnt always what its all about!

    Posts: 4362

    Where I seen the one you got a few years ago I havent seen hardly anything along that road. I have a friend who lives not far from there had a few big ones on camera but he never seen any of them in the flesh.

    Sauk Rapids, MN
    Posts: 1520

    Something to look forward to next season BW! Keep at em BW. I need to actually hunt with you next season considering office is not far from you.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    I studied up on thermals for hunting those bluffs. Alot of what I read, studied, watched online and went to the day with Dan taught me alot. I took my 8 point from the bluffs and I should have waited I passed on a few really nice bucks after that because I was tagged out. But I am happy with the way my season ended. Between the kid and I we took 5 deer. I didn’t touch a gun, bow only.
    Last year I asked guys about scouting late winter to early spring and through the summer. I didn’t get one positive comment. Every one said why bother they will move by the season start and blah blah. I can tell you for certain, if I hadn’t scouted all year I wouldn’t have been able to pass on the bucks I did. They all were where I thought they should be all through out the season. Scouting pays off.

    Posts: 9309

    Great write up! My season did not go as planned either. Never made it out with my bow and my first hunt was opener of gun. I did hut the entire gun season but never saw a mature deer during daylight. My top two bucks only had night time pics and only two of each. One before the gun season and one after. I never made it up late season to muzzy or bow hunt. I did shoot 3 deer so can’t complain and my top two will only be bigger next year.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12448

    Thanks, I appreciate the feedback even if the freezer is empty! Just say when Weedis, or maybe we need to schedule a weekend to get the boys together for a full weekend of bow hunting again.

    I studied up on thermals for hunting those bluffs. Alot of what I read, studied, watched online and went to the day with Dan taught me alot. I took my 8 point from the bluffs and I should have waited I passed on a few really nice bucks after that because I was tagged out. But I am happy with the way my season ended. Between the kid and I we took 5 deer. I didn’t touch a gun, bow only.
    Last year I asked guys about scouting late winter to early spring and through the summer. I didn’t get one positive comment. Every one said why bother they will move by the season start and blah blah. I can tell you for certain, if I hadn’t scouted all year I wouldn’t have been able to pass on the bucks I did. They all were where I thought they should be all through out the season. Scouting pays off.

    Yeah, I’ve been hunting bluff country for about 5 years now, and am still learning a lot about how the wind and thermals act and change. My general opinion on them at this point, is the wind will swirl regardless of what direction it’s coming from or how strong it’s blowing. And if you are at the base of a bluff thermals will change the direction for 30-45 minutes at least at sun up and sundown. A couple of my most optimistic sits this year were spoiled by a 180 degree change in wind direction during primetime.

    And as far as scouting, the absolute best time to scout for finding deer and figuring out their range and trails is late winter and early spring imo.

    Eden Prairie, MN
    Posts: 131

    I have limited experience hunting public land. Are there certain public land places you can use game/trail cameras and ones that you cant?


    Posts: 2910

    Great read! I had only used trail cams to “see what’s out there” rather than to really scout – but I did make the switch to a cell cam this year and immediately went and bough a second one because they were more of game changer than I even thought they’d be. You can get a good camera now for pretty cheap, but the monthly cost is there and keeps going up when you add cameras. Still, VERY worth it in my opinion. I actually plan on using cell cameras as part of my scouting strategy for spring turkey this year. I’ve had great luck with the Muddy Mitigator, if you’re considering making the jump. It’s been a great, entry-level unit to the cell cam world for me.

    Wright County
    Posts: 3124

    I have limited experience hunting public land. Are there certain public land places you can use game/trail cameras and ones that you cant?


    Yeah its all in the regs. Most state land you can run them but not on WMAs.

    Youll get an arrow in one of those big boys this upcoming season. It seems like you learned a lot!

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12448

    I have limited experience hunting public land. Are there certain public land places you can use game/trail cameras and ones that you cant?


    I’m not sure to be honest, I think so, but I know I see a ton of them in the public I hunt. I bought some cheap Muddy chip cameras, and the first one I used was actually on a neighbors private land (with his permission) next to the public and it was gone within a week of putting it out. So someone trespassed and then stole that one. Which is why I’m hesitant to put more money into them. I could have probably taken a dozen off of this public this year, if I was a POS. Same with a bunch of stands and other things, like someone was living in there in a tent last year, which is definitely not allowed. I look at that stuff the same as the pine cone hunters or walkers that will walk right up to you after you whistle or shout to let them know you are there. It’s just the cost of sharing the land imo. And if I wanted to report it, it would be an almost daily call.

    Sauk Rapids, MN
    Posts: 1520

    I have limited experience hunting public land. Are there certain public land places you can use game/trail cameras and ones that you cant?


    You can use them on all public as far as I know. the biggest concern would be theft but at the same time with cell cameras nowadays someone could get caught pretty easy. Or find areas out of the way where the average hunter won’t be going. Pre cell camera days I would hang them in the big public woods north of remer and never had issues.

    Cell cameras are great but they sure can urine a guy off when that big buck is standing 20 yards from your stand in the day light while your at work! Happened quite a few times to me this year but all the mature bucks made it through the season and had one counter with the biggest, albeit it was too early for a shot. Something to look forward to for next year!

    Dan just put out a great video on buck bedding and scouting on you tube with lots of good info. Worth the watch.

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3413

    great write up BW. There’s just as much glory in the hunt as there is in the kill. The silver lining in tag soup this year is that means at least one buck survived and will [hopefully] be around next year and will be a year older, wiser, and bigger.

    Posts: 2910

    I’m not sure to be honest, I think so, but I know I see a ton of them in the public I hunt. I bought some cheap Muddy chip cameras, and the first one I used was actually on a neighbors private land (with his permission) next to the public and it was gone within a week of putting it out. So someone trespassed and then stole that one. Which is why I’m hesitant to put more money into them. I could have probably taken a dozen off of this public this year, if I was a POS. Same with a bunch of stands and other things, like someone was living in there in a tent last year, which is definitely not allowed. I look at that stuff the same as the pine cone hunters or walkers that will walk right up to you after you whistle or shout to let them know you are there. It’s just the cost of sharing the land imo. And if I wanted to report it, it would be an almost daily call.

    Sorry you had that experience with your cams – not that it would really help lead to recovering or punishing anyone, but if you did run cell cameras, you might get a pic of the perp before they grabbed it, depending on your upload settings. I’ve found there’s a LOT more going on in the woods than people realize, even on unmonitored private land. Squatters, tweakers etc. All kinds of strange folks out there.

    Posts: 9189

    This is a great read and summary of your season. Appreciate you sharing it

    You can use them on all public as far as I know.

    No cameras on WMAs, NWRs, or WPAs. Well technically you can use them, just can’t leave them out overnight. Same properties that stands can’t be left overnight.

    Sauk Rapids, MN
    Posts: 1520

    This is a great read and summary of your season. Appreciate you sharing it

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>weedis wrote:</div>
    You can use them on all public as far as I know.

    No cameras on WMAs, NWRs, or WPAs. Well technically you can use them, just can’t leave them out overnight. Same properties that stands can’t be left overnight.

    Thanks for the clarification and setting me straight!

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