metro musky tournament roll call

  • Youbetcha
    Wright County
    Posts: 3149

    Whos all fishing this tournament on here? I for one cant wait to fish it this saturday. yay

    Hanover, MN
    Posts: 153

    I will be on Tonka with a buddy bright and early. My brother, his wife and a few of his friends will be there also. Super pumped, been out the last few days and seen some nice fish. Where will you be Carter?

    Wright County
    Posts: 3149

    i will be fishing forest lake. seen some but tough out there right now recently. Tonka has some real nice fish in it and good numbers!

    Hanover, MN
    Posts: 153

    Awesome, well good luck to you! stick a pig!

    Saint Paul, MN
    Posts: 17

    are the results anywhere? doesn’t look like they have been posted on the website

    Posts: 1902

    Found this on a buddies fb

    1. FB_IMG_1465840332534.jpg

    Saint Paul, MN
    Posts: 17

    awesome, thanks.

    i didn’t fish the tournament but always interesting to see what’s up. I’ve never fished Tonka but will have to head out that way in the fall to check it out.

    So far this year I’ve caught 2 tigers on Gervais (opening day), 1 silver barred fish on johanna – looked like a muskie to me but DNR says only Tiger in that lake so I guess it must be a tiger, and 1 muskie on bald eagle.

    I gave up on Forest a few years ago and tried it once this year and I just don’t get that lake. the weed flats are so huge and no real drop offs I just don’t know how to fish it.

    Might have to give the tournament a go next year.

    Would love to see a photo of that 43″ tiger!

    Wright County
    Posts: 3149

    it was a rough day out there saturday. high sky and no wind shock

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6144

    This vid just hit my FB news feed. Freaking Awesome! bow bow bow


    Bob Bowman
    Posts: 3550

    Simply amazing!
    Great footage and a fantastic conversion on a fish that would have handcuffed most muskie fisherman. Nice work on the 1st place finish Hoyer!!

    Nick Cox
    Posts: 261

    #TONKA! It’s awesome to watch that beast come in and just clamp down. Makes me want to let James know that Pat and I have to leave early today. LOL

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6144

    Think I watched this vid 25 times today. shock How that guy is not yanked out of the boat is amazing! The other guy should get some kind of Rapala Extreme Net Man award too. whistling


    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3506

    Simply amazing!
    Great footage and a fantastic conversion on a fish that would have handcuffed most <em class=”ido-tag-em”>muskie fisherman. Nice work on the 1st place finish Hoyer!!

    No doubt. Dan posted this on Facebook and I thought maybe he was the net man. Big dude… and quick as a cat. applause waytogo

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