The east side you will not get far without a sled with studs. Helped a guy and his wife get their 1/2 ton unstuck right when we got out there. Slush is pretty bad out there. Still only about 10 inches on the east side and north arm. Bellaire I’m sure it’s much safer and more packed down because that’s where the masses tend to go.
Saw someone’s abandoned pickup buried in ten inches of slush and the wheels had completely frozen into the ice yesterday out of Maht. Looks like a terrible situation. Access is very rough I have seen a load of people get stuck so I just walk. There was about 8-10 inches of frozen slush yesterday I am sure that all melted and is an absolute mess today. I had anywhere from 1-8 inches of slush up in Chisago today.
Yep, Studs were the only reason we got where we needed to go and even that was sketchy. We’d hit the slush (which you can’t see in most spots) start bogging down and sinking until we’d get down the the ice and the studs would finally grab.