Metro Area Carp Locations

  • Lund1775
    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 90

    I am kind of new to carp fishing. I have fished for carp before with decent luck but the spot that I was going to is not that convenient for me. Just looking to get some more information on targeting carp. I am not looking for anybody secret spot or am I really hunting for the huge fish, Just looking to find areas where someone and his buddies could go to catch carp for a few hours and have a decent day with a number of fish. Any information anybody is willing to share would be awesome, feel free to PM me as well if you would prefer not to be public.

    Thanks again

    JD Winston
    Chanhassen, MN
    Posts: 899

    Great spot on North Arm of Lake Minnetonka. I dropped a pin where we saw em all over the place last spring. I suspect anywhere on the very northmost part of the bay is good as well. Have at em.

    1. IMG_0077.png

    Walleyestudent Andy Cox
    Garrison MN-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 4484

    Relatively sure, no one has a secret spot for carp as they are overly abundant in all metro waters. Just wondering if your post here or inquiry is a ruse?
    Almost like where I can find dandelions late April, early May!
    Gotta a boat, or fishing from shore? We’ll go from there if you are seriously seeking carp. roll

    Posts: 9311

    Not sure if you are only looking for Lake spots or rivers as well but sometimes the pier at the SSP Pool 2 ramp can be an easy spot to hit. If it’s busy just go a little downstream and fish from shore. Usually get some good cats as well.

    Posts: 696

    Anywhere in the metro can have good carping. Ull have to narrow it down a bit. Lake, river, boat , shore???
    Sum of the biggest carps I’ve seen have been in the inner city lakes. Very very under fished

    Posts: 292

    I have seen a lot with some big carp on the north arm bass fishing. That was late june. With polarized sunglasses you can look down into the holes in the milfoil and they where there late morning. You could troll around with a boat and drop bobbers with whatever you use for carp in the openings of the milfoil. They didnt like the shadow of the boat anyways good luck.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 90

    Walleyestudent not a ruse! I know they are abundant everywhere, like I said in the post just looking for maybe a decent lake or river bank the me and some buddies can hit for a few hours and have a decent day. I should have mentioned that shore fishing would be the best. I have been to Minnehaha falls and fished there with luck but depending on water level in the spot I fish it can be a hassle for multiple guys.

    Walleyestudent Andy Cox
    Garrison MN-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 4484

    Ok, my apologies…just wasn’t sure.
    Long Lake in New Brighton, just off 35W and 694 is loaded with carp. I attached the link (hope it works?).
    It doesn’t specifically address targeting carp…but?
    The lake does have a lot of shore opportunities and they (the DNR) states in their management plan to continue commercial harvest of carp. Not sure to what extent that’s happening, but it does tell you carp are overly abundant.
    Good luck!

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 90

    No worries! haha I can see where you were coming from though. I can see how it would be an odd question. Some reports from the DNR I have seen or read say they have sampled carp but not in higher numbers like long that you shared, usually seeing low single digit numbers form lakes.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 90

    Thanks for sharing that video Kyhl! It is crazy that they caught that many carp in there when the DNR survey only sampled 5 in 2015 but if they take that many out I can see why.

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5729

    I’d be interested in finding some place where you could sight fish, using a fly rod and pitching nymphs in front of them. I’ve caught a few incidentally and it was a blast. Pool 2 doesn’t work because of the low visibility.


    Posts: 696

    Walleyestudent not a ruse! I know they are abundant everywhere, like I said in the post just looking for maybe a decent lake or river bank the me and some buddies can hit for a few hours and have a decent day. I should have mentioned that shore fishing would be the best. I have been to Minnehaha falls and fished there with luck but depending on water level in the spot I fish it can be a hassle for multiple guys.

    Are u in the south twin cities or metro?
    If so there’s tons of good carping near. Hiawatha, nokomis has good carpin w nice shore spots

    Posts: 384

    Coon rapids dam ice out anywhere will be good also the king plant canal on the st Croix you can use two rods there

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    Coon rapids dam ice out anywhere will be good also the king plant canal on the st Croix you can use two rods there

    I was going to say the Coon rapids dam as well. Spent much of my first 20 years there. Lots of carp to be caught that’s for sure.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Black dog on the Minnesota river or any park along the Minnesota. Of course in the spring you’ll want to fish near creeks flowing into a bigger river.

    Drum Guy
    Posts: 38

    Many good shore fishing opportunities for metro carp/any roughfish you can think of in Pool 2 and the Minnesota. Anybody know when the carp will start biting? Usually wait till about April but with these temps…

    Posts: 7348

    Could tell ya lots of sweet spots in north metro, but doubtful you’ll drive from Shakopee to get at em when you have probably just as many good ones down there.

    Simply google maps your local rivers, and look for small creeks or feeder streams that will be just a bit swollen from spring runoff, and when that smaller skinnier warmer water meets the main colder river, you will have quite a few species of fish frequent that area. Get a nice sunny day warming up that stream real nice, or a quick downpour with that water traveling over warm streets, curbs, sidewalks etc before getting dumped in pretty fun watching the fish stack up.

    Whole or half nightcrawler on a hair rig works awesome for suckers in general. Leave the corn at home until water gets warm. IMO, got to have a mono/flouro leader, these fish are smart and are line shy. If clearer water don’t be afraid to put a 12″ or longer lead on. Good luck

    Posts: 384

    Anybody know when the carp will start biting? Usually wait till about April but with these temps…

    They bits all year round at the Coon rapids dam, although once the water is 50 degrees they go crazy

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