I was reading @cookie report today and enjoy his storytelling of the happenings through his outfit and such amusing details he shares.
I found today also some of what he was talking about regarding the challenges both he and some other resorts are still experiencing.
Some resorts (and survivors) have come through relatively unscathed, other’s …the struggle is real
This was posted today on Roger’s FB page…
“We are currently letting people out 1.4 miles from the resort no farther. This area has been high ground. The area 1.4 not 1.5 to 2.4 is considered the graveyard (see attached pics). If you drive into this area you are on your own, the road crew has been put on a do not assist for anyone for two weeks for anyone in the graveyard. The cries for help ended days ago. Abandoned houses are just that considered abandoned. Outfitters are digging out their houses and all their help was appreciated.
Ice is flexible and the good news is where everyone was for the holiday weekend it will be where all rivers run to. The ice in that area is under the water level causing it to flood when it’s drilled. Just go to areas away from it and by all means it doesn’t represent most of it.”