Merry Christmas AR

  • castle-rock-clown
    Posts: 2596

    Got me a new AR, I previously owned an AR built as a varmint rifle. It was long, heavy and no fun to shoot. Sold it a few years back, but got the bug again. This time it’s a M4 16″ patrolman with open battle sights. This thing is a blast to shoot offhand rapidly. My recent mod is a muzzle brake / compensator. I know there will be more blast, but I’m hoping for reduced recoil and muzzle rise. My goal is firing 5 shots as fast as I can into a 6″ circle at 50 yards from various positions. I’m hoping to obtain a skill I will never have to use for real.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Congrats. I had planned on waiting until after Christmas to start my build. However the itch is getting stronger by the day.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19001

    Hell yea. I have a similar setup. People sometimes underestimate iron sights but they work perfectly fine. Better for some situations and no extra weight or bulk.
    I installed a smaller front post on mine so I could draw a finer bead. Works good.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12256

    ARs are just fun to shoot IMO. Flat shooting, light recoil. And don’t we all live for the day when we get a fox or coyote on the run on some open ground! As I’ve said before, the AR gives me the ability to miss 10 or more shots at the same coyote. Something that I could never have done with a bolt action.

    Part of the attraction, I think, is the question of what else would I shoot if it weren’t for the AR? It’s not like a guy can do a lot of .22 LR shooting these days thanks to the hoarders tying up all the ammo.


    Posts: 214

    CRC – you need to check out some of the classes at Defensive Edge. They do a lot of LE training. But he also does classes for the public with ARs. They cost some money BUT a worth every penny. Armorer classes are fantastic and so are the carbine classes. You will learn a lot and they are a lot of fun. Sully even has his own line of black rifles. Check em out.

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