Hi All,
I’ve got a 2004 Mercury 9.9 kicker that does not have electric tilt/trim. In rough water the motor bounces and shears the small bolt that holds it in the ‘up’ position.
Would anyone recommend an aftermarket electric tilt/trim or even a manual bracket that would hold it in place securely?
what kind of boat is it mounted on?
I had the same motor with the same problem so I bought a Panther power tilt & trim. Took my original Panther base plate mount off and tried to mount the new system there. Didn’t fit.
I have a 2001 Ranger 619 vs and it didn’t fit correctly against the transom.
Ended up buying a Merc 9.9 with power tilt and trim and mounted it to my Panther fixed plate that was originally mounted on my transom and that worked. Unfortunately I went from spending $695 to over $3k to get the results I was looking for. But that’s just me and the boat I was dealing with.