Mercury 90 hp ELPT4 miss above 2500 RPMs

  • eyekatcher
    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 976

    2011 Mercury 90 hp 4 stroke ELPT4

    It was missing above 2500 RPMs before any work .
    Also, my tablet/vesselview was reporting a neutral switch issue, so I bought one.
    I always used Stabil in my gas since day 1.
    Cant remember when I last filled the tank but I didn’t get the boat out much last year.
    Changed plugs, low pressure gas filter, oil and filter, air filter on Thursday.
    Still missing above 2500.
    I have the side console apart to replace the neutral switch.
    Hope to finish that today.

    The tablet / vesselview says I have 1.8 gallons of fuel left.
    It estimates almost 1.8 hours to run it out of gas at 2000- rpms.
    Then I am going to fill with fresh gas and cross my fingers.

    Any thoughts on whether or not this may be the solution.

    Posts: 3913

    sounds like a coil is breaking down under load,if it is the coil on plug type set up,unhook the wires from the coils one at a time until you find the cylinder its misfiring on.
    once you have done that,remove that coil and switch it to another cylinder to see if the misfire follows the coil,if so,you need a new coil.

    if you find nothing there,most likely an injector is sticking.
    make sure all hoses and wires are plugged into where they are supposed to be and no mice have done any dirty work on the wiring.

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 976

    thanks, I will try that

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 976

    When I first checked, it seemed like it might be coil 2,
    but after switching with 1, the problem no longer seems associated with any one coil. I tried switching it back but no longer provides any change to the miss.

    Do you think fuel injector cleaner might help?

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2698

    Fuel injector cleaner will not help. Do any of the gages show fuel pressure and is it dropping? Fuel bulb staying hard?

    Posts: 3913

    I read over the age of the gas you have in it,sorry,if that gas is as old as you think it is you are basically asking the engine to burn tar even though it had stabil in it.
    put some fresh gas with a known good fuel system cleaner it,it will help clean the varnish out of the system.

    I dont give a sh!t what anyone says,old gas is hard to ignite,it will cause multiple cylinder misfires that dont make sense,it will coat plugs,plug injectors etc.
    old gas will also cause poor running,fuel economy,acceleration,etc.

    I am trying to help you on a forum where I cannot put my hands directly on the engine,if it were in my shop the first thing I would do regardless of it being a two or four stroke is to check compression,that is first and foremost the way to start out.
    from there,fuel pressure,air pressure if it were an opitimax,and all sensor input/outputs etc.

    if I can be of further help pm me and I will give you my phone number.

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