mercury 9.9 kicker won't start

  • tomr
    cottage grove, mn
    Posts: 1309

    I have a 93 9.9 mercury kicker that always started in one or most two pulls. Last time out would not start I am not very mechanically inclined so this is what I have done. I pulled the spark plugs and they were dry it appeared no gas getting to them. Next I confirmed that gas was making it way to carburetor. So that is the extent of my mechanical knowledge on motors not knowing what else to try I sprayed the carb with choke and carb cleaner and motor started right up but ran I think as long as the vapor for the carb cleaner lasted and then died. So I am thinking the carb is blocked somehow and need to bring in to have rebuilt? Does this sound right or am I missing an easy step to remedy.


    Posts: 2723

    The needle in the bowl of the carb is probably stuck. Would guess there’s some varnish buildup, and it doesn’t have to be a lot to make it stick. Pull the carb. Disassemble the bowl from the carb, being careful not to lose any pieces. Take the float and needle out and clean off the needle. If it is sticky or gummy at all replace the needle. Check the float out and do a visual check on everything else. Then re-assemble after cleaning it up with some carb cleaner spray making sure all the passages of the carb aren’t blocked. There’s videos on youtube I’m sure that explain the process better than can be done verbally.

    Good luck with it.

    p.s. Merc carbs seem a bit more touchy than omc products like evinrude or johnson’s.

    cottage grove, mn
    Posts: 1309

    Thanks! I will give it a shot.

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