Mercury 110 9.8hp 1982

  • jon moss
    Posts: 2

    Hi was replacing the water impeller on a friends outboard. Finished up having to take the powerhead off. However now the engine will only turn 180 degrees each way then locks ? Any ideas please. By the way this is with the powerhead off the leg. This engine ran until I took the powerhead off

    Posts: 3496

    Bet your friend is happy.

    Cold Spring, MN
    Posts: 785

    Sounds like something is binding up. How are you trying to turn the engine over, recoil?

    Are you sure the driveshaft is installed correct? Did everything bolt up without much effort or was there some resistance? It’s a 2 stroke so 180* is basically a revolution. So it seams something is out of whack on the drive.

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5799

    Reverse lever?
    It has to be simple, right? All you were doing was replace the water impeller.

    Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 567

    Did you have the outboard in either forward or reverse before removing the foot? I had a similar vintage motor and had it in neutral when I pulled the lower unit and just by manually turning the prop it would shift out of neutral into gear on the lower only. Without knowing this when you reassemble it the power head thinks your still in neutral, but the lower is now in gear. I would try and determine if it slipped into gear on the lower and try and get the two back in sync if possible.

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