Anybody worried about the ice conditions/shacks?

  • red89
    Posts: 918

    It seems way too early to be worried about ice conditions right now, but my buddy has his big permanent shack out there and was wondering if he should take it off tomorrow. I figured even if the landings get really bad, there is so much ice that it should be good for a while, and it should cool down again soon. Anybody else worried?

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    It is raining right now here in Richfield / S. Minneapolis. When I heard the rain drops coming down I looked out the window and said to myself… that can’t be good for the ice.

    And then I saw your post.

    Posts: 918

    haha… My dad was out yesterday and it was raining on him and he said the ice was a mess. With temps supposed to be in the 50’s tomorrow is it possible that the ice on the landing could start breaking up bad enough where you wouldnt even be able to drive out? It seems ridiculous to think with how thick the ice is, but I have no idea. With a big diesel pulling a 3000+ pound shack

    Jon Stevens
    Northfield, Wi
    Posts: 1242

    Hope fully the landing isn’t steep. Went off one tonight that looks like some one used a zamboni on the thing! It was nice and easy sliding down but the duramax had lots of black smoke rolling comming back up. Took three runs before I just poured the coals to her.

    Pete Bauer
    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2599

    I’ll keep mine out on Menomin for a little while longer, but mine only weighs around 600lbs. I do wonder how hard it’s going to be for the guy’s that have their shacks flush to the ice when all this slop re-freezes!

    Posts: 974

    if it was my house I would move it away from any old holes,
    with all the water running into the holes and the wind blowing this bad, it wouldn’t take long to open up a hole big enough to swallow a shack

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    If this rain/weather continued for 2 weeks, I would start to worry. With 2 feet of ice, it won’t just start breaking up and melting. When it cools down again, it should be ok, just keep it on blocks high enough out of the water and you should be good.

    big G

    Mark Steffes
    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1376

    I’d be out there moving my house or blocking it up, when it refreezes you could have a big ice cube.

    Posts: 14

    Whats up guys so I was out last night cought a couple so I decided to wkae up bright and early well I should’t say bright it was still 4am grabed the weeler and got to the landing found myself in about 6in of water/slush i started bogging down in the slush so i gave her a little xtra gas and just got soked way to start the mournig right!Got out to the house and the fish were just mad one after the other straight to the bucket:) It was a good desicion though! But it still raining here on Browns Lake so i’m going back out. The girlfriend has school and work today and I already made the call into homebase so I should be in for a nice wet and sloppy day.

    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 622

    We went out at lunch and checked a couple landings in the East Metro. Still had trucks out fishing. One landing had ~5″-6″ of water in the hole by the landing with 4″ erosion channels cut through the ice. Looked easy enough to get around. Lots of brown water around the edges from runoff. Time to get out and move/re-block up your shack before it freezes in!


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