2004 season

  • Don Hanson
    Posts: 2073

    This should be another strong season for this fisherie. Look for panfish and pike fishing to provide the most action. Typical bass action for both smallies and bucketmouths will also be strong. The walleyes numbers especially over the 15 inch mark is on the decline. This is unscientific data coming from local anglers.

    Chippewa Valley (Dunnville Bottoms)
    Posts: 1372

    Hi Don, I plan on giving it a good shot this spring. I see they are putting in some more
    cribs. The lake is getting harder to troll all the time. It seems like I am always
    finding those cribs at the wrong time. I do like fishing slip bobbers by them but
    my anchor alwas seems to get stuck in the cribs. Whats the best anchor to try out
    and around the cribs. I was thinking some kind of grabbling hook made out of rebar
    that I could just untie an leave there once it gets stuck. I also know there are some large
    muskies out there and I’m going to be trying for those also. Steve

    Don Hanson
    Posts: 2073

    Steve, I actually like using a more aggressive approach when slip-bobbering. Instead of achoring I will use my trolling motor to move in and around the cribs. This can keep you on top of fish instead of waiting for them to swim by.

    In a conversation I had with one of the persons who is involved with placing cribs in the lake- “we are trying to do away with trolling”. I guess it does not fit their style of fishing and they would rather no one else does it either.

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603


    In a conversation I had with one of the pesons who is involved with placing cribs in the lake- “we are trying to do away with trolling”. I guess it does not fit their style of fishing and they would rather no one else does it either.

    Is this legal? I mean, how is it right to place an obstruction in front of a legal practice? Would we want to see any pursuit of getting a limit of cribs in the lake for the preservation of trolling?

    You know…………….is that a question worth pondering? As far as lake ecology goes, is there such a thing as too many cribs?

    Don Hanson
    Posts: 2073

    They go through the proper channels to obtain permits every year. The thing is nobody is saying enough is enough. The bottom line is some people involved do not want trollers on their lake. This is a way for them to deter the trollers.
    The placement of cribs to protect small bait fish is fine but by placing them to eliminate a style of fishing will have a negitive effect on the lake. Anglers that troll harvest the most northerns out of the system (which there is no shortage of). Elminate trolling and the lake will be overrun with hamerhandles.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Don are you telling me that when I come there in June that I may not leave there alive?
    Thanks, Bill

    Don Hanson
    Posts: 2073

    It will be no problem at all Bill, maybe a couple of dirty looks. Everyone is usually friendly.

    North Central Wisconsin
    Posts: 459

    I haven’t said anything on this post yet because when I first read the comment that “they are trying to do away with trolling”, it kinda put a bur under my saddle and I wanted to choose my words wisely. I really hope that whoever made that comment was doing it “tongue in cheek”. If not, it is kind of sad that we have a fellow sportsman out there that wants to limit or hinder someone elses legal enjoyment of the resources. Trolling is as legal on Menomin as any other technique such as jigging, rigging, or bobbering. And like the other techniques, there are certain times when trolling shines and times when you are better off using another technique. I troll Menomin and enjoy the walleyes this technique puts in my boat (most go back into Menomin). I know when I troll Menomin that I am gonna lose crankbaits and that I need to be aware of the many cribs and snags in this lake. Today’s angler needs to be versatile and take advantage of the many ways we have available to us to catch fish. I also jig, rig, and cast cranks for Menomin eyes and enjoy these presentations as much as trolling. Menomin eyes can be caught on a variety of presentations. That is one of the reasons I like fishing this lake. Each day can bring a new challenge or different presentation! As I stated earlier, I sure hope the comment about doing away with trolling was done so “tongue in cheek” and the cribs are being placed to aid our great fishery of Menomin, not to hinder fellow anglers enjoyment of a day on the water. Sorry about the long ramble guys.

    Don Hanson
    Posts: 2073

    Coot, I agree with with you that a variety of methods take fish during the course of the season. The methods legally used sould not be limited by self interest.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    The 2004 season is here and many anglers are planning their fishing outtings for the year. I myself will be on this lake for the first time this coming June. For anglers thinking about fishing this lake for the first time how would you fish for say walleyes, crappies and bluegills in June? What techniques to you suggest? What kinds of structure will hold the fish on this lake in June? Thanks, Bill

    Don Hanson
    Posts: 2073

    Hello Bill, start off your search for eyes hitting the river. Jigs and livebait rigs do well, either anchored or slowly drifting the channel. Slip bobber rigs or just a plain hook and a splitshot work well also.
    Work the bays that have emerging weed growth for bass, crappies, perch and gills. Slipbobber rigs tipped with leeches or a dab of crawler will yield perch and gills. Throwing topwater baits in the same areas will produce great bass action. Tube jigs will yield the best results for crappies.
    Trolling the main lake with spinners can produce some fine eye action along with some jumbo perch. Switch a couple of rods over to cranks and you will find fast paced action on pike and white bass.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Thanks for the info Don. Now everyone should know what to do to catch fish. Thats what is great about this site. Everybody learns from each others sharing so the more sharing ”everyone” does the more we all learn.
    Thanks, Bill

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