Mega 360 vs Mega Live advice

  • Phillip Ames
    Posts: 61

    Guys, looking for some advice here. Running a Warrior 1890bt. Fishing mostly western Lake Erie, with occasional trips to inland reservoirs in Ohio, and Detroit river in the spring. I have a Low HDS 12 Live with sidescan. I also run a HB Helix 10 MSI+ g4n, it is hooked to my Ulterra with MSI transducer. I love the way my system is working. But, I want to tweak it a little more. I had been set on Mega 360, but now I don’t know whether to go with Mega Live or even Active target. Looking for some opinions and insight. Sorry to be so wordy, but thanks for feedback.

    Posts: 3696

    Unfortunately the an$wer might be that you’d want both… for me it depends on the time of year. An oversimpilication as the two units have some crossover – but I mainly use Live (Livescope) the first half of the year when fish are moving and easy to see…. and 360 the second half of the year when they are set up on bottom structure/cover.

    Honestly, I wouldn’t go without either now ~

    Posts: 1564

    Good point FryDog62. They are 2 separate tools that do 2 different jobs. I have both, and too, would not go without either. Unfortunately, most who are now getting into “the sonar game” are looking for shortcuts rather than the understanding that they are merely purchasing a tool that can make them more efficient. Good question Phillip, I understand the need to figure out what specific tool is best for your situation and it might take quite a bit of thought to figure out which to get first. On pool 4, I use mega360 ALOT for pitching anything without structure (seams, flats, eddies), versus using my megalive for pitching anything with structure (wingdams, closing dams, rip rap). Or, I might use my mega360 to show me the layout of the structure, and use my megalive in conjunction with that. Again, if it’s the proper tool for the job, I use it- but I don’t expect a hammer to turn a bolt.

    Alma , Wisconsin
    Posts: 31

    I started just with Mega 360. Worked great for what I expected. I didn’t think I would need live type sonar. I have purchased Mega Live and I’m happy I have it. But for how I fish I wouldn’t be without both.

    Posts: 12533

    I think it depends on how you fish the most and what you are trying to achieve with either. Letting us know that would help.

    Phillip Ames
    Posts: 61

    I would like to have both believe me. I wanted to go toan Ultrex, but I was told that it will not fit the front of my Warrior. So, no front TM Mount options with an Ulterra. Not sure where to mount all the poles. So need to make a decision on which to go with. Leaning towards a live product.

    Posts: 4499

    Yes go with the Live, will get much more use out of it. You have side scan already.

    Posts: 94

    I am in the process of figuring out how I want to rig a new boat. My thought was getting a helix 15 in the bow to run 360 and live. But I don’t believe you can run both at the same time. Can someone confirm that? I can’t find a clear cut answer on google.

    Tom P.
    Whitehall Wi.
    Posts: 3542

    If only having one me personally would choose Mega 360, Mega Live is nice but my Mega 360 will put me on more fish and faster with much less hassle.

    Posts: 756

    I am in the process of figuring out how I want to rig a new boat. My thought was getting a helix 15 in the bow to run 360 and live. But I don’t believe you can run both at the same time. Can someone confirm that? I can’t find a clear cut answer on google.

    Depends what else you have connected. The Mega live connects to the network port. The Mega 360 is connected to the transducer port. The 360 is considered a SI input. That means if you get a splitter cable you and run the 360 and a 2d ducer on the same unit.
    If you have a network and ethernet hubs the Mega live can be directly connected to a network port. It will take a Gen 3 or 4 to process the mega live signal. You can view the 360 and Live on any Mega unit on the network.

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