What does something like this run for the whole setup?
$1300 from Reed’s, assuming you already have a compatible head unit.
This kit from Reeds includes the Humminbird ICE PTC 740185-1NB shuttle I used in my build. It is different than the shuttle used in the ICE Helix unit.
I had a chance to do some more playing around tonight and found a couple things that seem worthy of sharing.
I installed the 7-pin transducer Y-cable (Part #720107-1) and plugged in the ice transducer hopping to get a 2D sonar signal split screen with MEGA 360.
Everything connected without a hitch. MEGA 360 worked but no 2D.
After a little digging I found that once I selected the transducer HW : MEGA 360 the 2D transducer immediately started to ping. Yippeeee. Progress.
