meanwhile at Iowaboy1's shop

  • Umy
    South Metro
    Posts: 2112

    These posts are amazing.
    Sherlock Holmes of the motorized world you are sir!!

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6736

    Sheldon I think you need to retire up to the Bemidji area and just do part-time work, I’m sure IDO members alone would keep your schedule full! You’ve forgot more about engines than I will ever know. Sure you’d have to trade in bullheads for walleye, but those sunsets should make up for it!

    Werm, I can confirm there have been some talks about him doing just that! whistling

    Sheldon you are the best!

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5865

    Do you realize how much an 8×8 hickory cost now? shock
    I cannot imagine how hard your head is for going through the last one! doah

    Posts: 3917

    Denny, I have come to realize hickory isnt hard enough anymore, I think its time for a post made out of black ironwood….

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12930

    Denny, I have come to realize hickory isnt hard enough anymore, I think its time for a post made out of black ironwood….

    i heard rumors that you started hitting the hooch about 10 this morning!!!!!!!!! mrgreen rotflol

    Posts: 3917

    Glenn, I did not start early ! trust me there are days I think about it as there are things that could give a man a cause to.

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6736

    i heard rumors that you started hitting the hooch about 10 this morning!!!!!!!!

    Before you think I was talking to Glenn and telling on you, I wasn’t! jester

    Iowaboy was sharing with me last night how rough the week was and he was calling a 5:00 mandated drinking start time this evening. I of course only agreed so a friend wasn’t drinking alone. whistling

    Posts: 3917

    Remember me talking about Craig? the guy from NE Iowa who had fuel issues with the pump, injectors and filter??
    I have his boat back in the shop, it appears I was correct in my belief that the computer was failing as well.
    That one is a bit of a story sorting it out, sheesh!!!
    I’ll just say, sometimes ya gotta knock a computer around a bit to get to act up.
    The idle speed control motor stalled, created a bunch of heat in the ECU and burnt it out.
    Mind you, the thing would run,,,until you got into the upper rpms and the ECU would lose its mind.

    Lets have a listen to it now !!

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12930

    rotflol rotflol yea John…..i got that same text!!!!! cept i’m waiting till tomorrow at the game feed. think sunday morning could be a bit groggy!!! doah

    Posts: 3319

    Glenn there is a cure for a hangover,

    Never stop drinking. whistling

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12930

    Glenn there is a cure for a hangover,

    Never stop drinking. whistling

    rotflol rotflol rotflol whistling

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5865

    Denny, I have come to realize hickory isnt hard enough anymore, I think its time for a post made out of black ironwood….

    OMG That sh-t is crazy to naw through even with a chainsaw.

    Posts: 3917

    So I have been down the last three weeks with some sort of crud thats going around, sore throat, 90 percent hearing loss, coughing fits that wake you every forty five minutes yet I soldier on daily, and yes, I have enough couth to warn walk ins to stay far away from me.
    I would really like to strangle the guy who came in the shop with this sh!t announcing that he had just been to the doctor for it and had to cough all over everything, ya gotta wonder, who in their right mind does this !!!!???
    He didnt need anything, just wanted us to know he was sick and spread it around I guess, thanks azzhole.

    Pity part over, we at least had some stuff come in that just flat out bent the needle plum in half on the wtfometer.

    I wish, uhm, well, just because you know just enough that the handle on a screwdriver fits in your hand and not the other way around does not make you an expert in any fashion.
    However, I understand, no I dont, why was this a good idea??? I mean look at it!!!
    An outdoors AC junction box converted for a battery cut off and power/ground distribution box in a boat????????????
    Look at the neutral buss bar, from left to right, battery ground, main motor ground, kicker motor ground, accessory grounds, to the right side, the cut off switch, cable from battery, and all power wires on the other side of the switch.

    It goes like this, Doc, motor doesnt crank over very good and is hard to start.
    Well, most outboards have to spin a minimum of 250 rpm to generate spark, this motor is a 150 HP job,and it spun over around a 100 rpms.
    I grabbed my battery tester to check the battery and found the mess we are looking at, no need to do a voltage drop test, we are starting from scratch.
    I apologize that the rigging job isnt any fancier than this, I did the best I could with what I had to work with but I am happy to tell you, every ground wire has its own connector and is setting on the battery post where it belongs.
    One power cable from the battery, oh, 20 inches shorter by the way, and the rest is on the load side, and out of the way of the operator/passenger side of the boat area, nice and neat behind the battery access door.

    Someone else posted this week about rewiring their boat, GOOD ON YOU SIR!! I didnt want to take away from that thread and one up it, but here ya go.
    I had to repower this old rig, and thank God I only had to mess with two wires, I just stood there in absolute amazement shaking my head and prayed the guy had good insurance.

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    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12930

    is that first picture on top to the left after you got done with it!!!!! devil rotflol

    sorry…someone had to!!!!!! waytogo

    by the way its friday night………you need to get into some cure all sauce!!!!!1 waytogo waytogo

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22107

    Now that is a mess

    Posts: 3917

    Attempt 77.
    It is with a nervous approach I attempt this again, I mean, I am an optimistic guy but I too can give up after 72 attempts.
    Remote oil tank, half full of water, took out the VRO, its alarm module and danged near the motor, gotta love it when you dont get the whole story.
    Rusty plugs,, uh, well the previous shop rebuilt the carb and 300 bucks later it still wouldnt run, blown exhaust manifold gaskets was the root cause.

    Now, that said, take a look at the primer diaphragm, does that look less than one year old to you and worth the 300 charged???
    Im going to quit here, I enjoy writing stories and such but,,, my fingers get tired and so does my brain trying to rewrite everything I said when I get the stink eye from the server and need to prove that I am what I am even though I am signed in.

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    Posts: 3917

    remote oil tank half full of water

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    Posts: 3917

    And before anyone else says I didnt check the verify if you are human thingy.
    YES, I am human!! HOW IN THEE uh, ya, I get it, chat bots and bullsh!t stuff out there that can duplicate some things, but I have to ask!! where were those sub human bots and AI when and where these pics were taken!!??

    And that reminds me, when I was a kid on the farm AI meant artificial insemination, SO, does that mean someone is out there breeding a computer cause they,,,,,.uh, good night Gracie.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12260

    And before anyone else says I didnt check the verify if you are human thingy.
    YES, I am human!! HOW IN THEE uh, ya, I get it, chat bots and bullsh!t stuff out there that can duplicate some things, but I have to ask!! where were those sub human bots and AI when and where these pics were taken!!??

    Sheldon the point of these things is to verify that you aren’t a spambot posting fake stuff using artificial intelligence.

    And as I think we all know there’s a lot of artificial intelligence out there these days. Fishing probably has more artificial intelligence than most sports, so you got to be on your guard.

    Posts: 3917

    I have a lot of new customers from the forum, too bad it wont let me reply in a consistent manner and upload photos!!!
    And they have some neat stuff you would like to see!!!

    Posts: 3917

    Ya’all asked fer it, forgive me southern vernacular I am trying to get used to EPG’s way of speaking these days since he iz dating that Belle and I have had to go back to my roots so we can talk to each other.

    Anyhow, a few things down at the shop this winter, see the hole in the oil filter???? ya, it was blown through after the filter plugged because the oil had over ten thousand miles on it, the owner even forgot that air filters need serviced too and are not permanent, K&N that has never been serviced, the really stupid part??? the owner has been driving this truck for a month with no oil pressure, the sending unit was plugged tight.
    Impellers, speak for themselves.

    Okay, see the dynopoo in floating on the water??? owner said this 1972 18 HP Johnson started fine but wouldnt accelerate above idle, the fuel looked and smelled like sh!t and had to be over five years old.
    New points and condensers, clean the carb, it was full of sludge I have never seen before, and ran the snot out of it for two hours to clean out the entire engine, that pic of the water is the third barrel it went through and the motor is finally coming around, no way its been ran in the last fifteen years, and stink!!! WOW!!
    OH, and yes, the one impeller that is missing legs came out of it.

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    Posts: 6631

    You see some fun stuff on a daily basis jester

    Thanks for you help the other day finding the correct rectifier for my kicker!

    Posts: 3319

    I would bet it had WAY more than 10k on it. doah

    Posts: 3917

    You bet B-man!! I wasnt going to fail you or the boys!, well, I did sort of, After breathing two smoke all dang day I assumed your motor was one,, and after you corrected me, found ya one!! those folks at are great to deal with!!

    Mike Schulz
    Osakis/Long Prairie
    Posts: 2000

    way to go Iowaboy!!!

    Posts: 3429

    Love your stories and pics, Sheldon. Keep ’em comin’!!

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6736

    Glad to see this thread pop back up sir! Welcome back waytogo

    EPG did pick up a bit of drawl. rotflol

    Posts: 3319

    EPG did pick up a bit of drawl. rotflol

    Did it rub off from hanging around the Belle or did it come from something he ate?

    Posts: 3917

    Being a business owner and also being the tech gives me the opportunity to see and work on some really neat stuff.
    I find it an extreme pleasure when someone seeks me out and asks me if I can bring something back to life, I am also very humbled by it all when someone places their baby in my hands.
    The most recent example is an Alumacraft Flying C model of boat, a 1958 model to be exact, WOW!! in original condition, mind you this boat was built and sold in Minnesota to a gal who worked at the dealership as a secretary.
    She had it rigged with a 35 Johnson of the same era, her niece inherited it several years ago, around thirty if I remember the story right.

    Sadly the old motor gave up the ghost shortly after they got it and its been sitting in their garage for many years now and I was asked to evaluate it to see if it could be repowered, the transom and the rest of the vessel was perfect considering its age.
    I repowered it with a spanking new 25 HP Suzuki using the original cable steering.
    The controls were also placed in the original position per the husbands request, and man they are tickled with it, I even brought the old switches and lights back to life.

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