Been very busy at the shop the last few weeks!!
anything from trailer wiring to complete charging/ignition systems, carb rebuilds and I finally got to use my CDI electronics MEDS unit !! sure wish my new dyno would get here, I could really use it lately!!
Especially when you get a giant four stroke in that only misses near full throttle, I figured it out the hard way and dang neart melted my Fluke meter down checking about every dang thing that could be tested !!
I found two bad coils that I had to heat up with a hair dryer to get to act up,,all right you chicken thieves, no hair jokes about my bald head and why I need a hair dryer !!
to begin with, blown fuel pump gasket, what would cause that????
2010 Merc, poor thing only gets used about five hours a year, the owner when quizzed said this,, I dont use any fuel treatment and I run the tank low every year, and,, I add to it the next year for my fishing trip and last time out I didnt think I was going to make it back to the dock.
and, it has sat since that time last year and I am headed to LOW next week can ya fixer Doc??
so I drained the carbs, yep, all three full of water, how inhell they didnt freeze bust is beyond my old noggin but it did get the fuel pump and blew the gasket out of place as you see.
cleaned the carbs, rebuilt the pump and the owner and I had a long talk about fuel, fuel tanks, and ya’ll know the rest.
booster venturi, can ya see whats wrong?? and this is after another shop rebuilt the carb and had the balls to charge the guy four hundred smackeroons !!! even though it still didnt run right when done!! WTH????
not only did they miss the plugged transition tube they missed the fact that the cold start enrichener had failed !! and are ya ready for this??
the dang idle circuit was plugged tight !!
I received an email from the owner that his boat hasnt ran that well in years after I was done with it and was grateful for our little shop.
the busted to F!!! starter,, even I can fall once in a while and I am not afraid to admit it at all.
but I had help thanks to a reaction from glycol that caused my color blindness to sit in, Denny O has personally witnessed this when I worked on his boat.
anyhoo, why ITF anyone would color code wires with colors in this order, orange/violet, orange blue, and orange, these colors are ignition coil wires on a 225 Johnson Venom series motor.
in my head when I was wiring the coils up I switched two of the wires thanks to color blindness at that moment and when I attempted to bring this motor back to life it backfired in a most convincing manner !!!!!!
it blew the top of the starter off launching it ten feet across the shop and landing at sparkles feet!!
to make matters worse it was a 350 dollar starter that I had installed ten minutes prior !!!!
anyone got any unused stimulus money to help out a fellow American?? LOL !! JK!
thanks for stopping by the shop once again guys,, and I gotta tell ya, Sparkles is a huge asset, I dont know how I could get anything done without her!!


