I have a 2005 Mazda 6 that is burning oil like crazy. I have to put a quart of oil in every time I fill it up with gas. Now the car does have over 200K on miles it and is just my beater but id like to figure out what is going on. Its not leaking oil also so that’s one diagnoses I can cross off. Anyone have some information they can pass a long so I can try to keep my trusty beater going?
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Mazda 6 burning oil issue
InactiveRobbinsdalePosts: 7348June 14, 2016 at 10:33 am #1624423Yeah and its not showing signs of it burning oil and thats what has me puzzled.
June 14, 2016 at 10:39 am #1624426Change your PCV valve and see if that helps. If it’s not leaking onto the ground then it kind of limits where the oil is going. Either bad head gasket which is allowing oil into the combustion chamber or piston rings are shot which are doing the same thing. Look for smoke on first start up in the mornings and do a compression test. If the PCV doesn’t fix it then you may be SOL and looking for a new beater car. Cost like $1,000 just to change the rear plugs and coil packs as they have to remove the intake manifold to get back there.
June 14, 2016 at 11:02 am #1624436Ill try the PCV valve and look for smoke on the first start up. The car is barely worth anything so defiantly don’t want to put 1000 bucks in it. Just a nice car to have so I don’t have to put many miles on the truck.
June 14, 2016 at 11:53 am #1624451Smokey exhaust on start up would usually indicate bad valve seals. Smokey exhaust all the time is an indication of bad rings. Bad head gaskets would cause you to lose coolant also. Some cars like the Pontiac grand ams have issues with leaky intake manifolds dripping oil onto the block where it gets burnt off.
A leak down test would be the correct course of action.
June 14, 2016 at 11:55 am #1624453You can try putting a medium amount of Lucas Oil Stabilizer in your oil. If it is burning it, it will help for a little while. I know you said you couldn’t see signs of burning but if you can, try to pinpoint WHEN it is the strongest. Bad piston rings tend to burn at higher RPM’s and valves/valve seals will burn right at startup and consistently throughout the RPM range.
PCV’s are a very common issue on high mileage Mazdas and I would look there first. Check the PCV by disconnecting it while the engine is running. If there is a good vacuum pull coming from it, it should be alright. If there is little-to-no vacuum, I would replace it and see where you go from there. If it is a PCV issue and you keep running it, it will eventually cause many other engine components like seals and gaskets to fail.
I am not a professional mechanic by any means, just a forewarning.
José Luis Ramirez
Posts: 2February 12, 2021 at 8:07 pm #2014601I have a Mazda6 2007 v6 I did the tune up oil change fluid transmission change and 3 weeks ago when I did the oil change all was fine 2 days ago a friend checked the car he saw that it needed oil today I took it to a special mechanic he said the engine is burning too much oil but since I went to replace something else he didn’t check it what you think guys it is maybe the engine too old or what should I do
February 13, 2021 at 2:20 pm #2014731Did this start after we got this real cold weather how is the heater out put…possible it is not getting up to temp?
José Luis Ramirez
Posts: 2February 13, 2021 at 2:24 pm #2014732The head doesn’t go higher the engine temperature it’s alright all the time and it runs smooth but today I got a
Code that says catalytic converter threshold bank 2
The catalytic isn’t Bad so means something from the engine what you think it is ?
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