Mauser ID help

  • brandyman
    West central MN
    Posts: 303

    I was curious if the experts could help me with getting some more information on an old mauser I have. It is from the brno factory in Czechoslovakia. Not much for markings other than serial and an L or I at the end. I am not crazy of the idea of removing the barrel to find any other markings.

    1. 20220330_183659-scaled.jpg

    2. 20220330_183757-scaled.jpg

    3. 20220330_183720-scaled.jpg

    4. 20220330_183619-scaled.jpg

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18967

    Funny but related, I had an old Mauser action rifle for 25 years in my closet and recently gave it to a friend. He looked at it closely and found swastikas on the action. Some history to that gun. The action was modified into a sporting rifle by a US company.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12242

    The definitive book on identifying military mausers is:

    Mauser Military Rifles of the World

    By Robert Ball

    I don’t own a copy but I know there is an entire chapter on Czechoslovakian Mausers as they were one of the major manufacturers both for their own use and they were a large exporter.

    If you could find a copy of the book in a library somewhere it is well worth reading for the Mauser fan.

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