Masters of the Sky 2018 and 2019 Dates

  • Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59998

    Edit: From 2018- see below for this years info.

    In talking with the folks at Carpenters Nature Center, it seemed to be a popular event.

    Folks from the World Bird Sanctuary in St Louis MO came to the CNC and gave an hour long presentation that included Falcons, Vultures, Owls and an Eagle Vulture.

    Seats were sold for $10. My daughter and I didn’t know what to expect but I think in the end, she summed it up nicely. “Dad, that was worth twice the price!”. The FG. Ella had a great time too. I was worried, because at 4 years old a person never knows.

    I know we’ll be going again next year!

    Here’s a few shots of the event.

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    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59998

    The Barn Owl is the most endangered bird in the Midwest.
    They eat over 3000 mice a year.

    Mouse poison and loss of habitat is the two main reasons… I can’t control the habitat but I’m done using mouse poison (that I never cared for in the first place). A poisoned mouse is a slow mouse and an easy meal for mother Barn Owl. Mom feeds the kids a poisoned mouse and the whole family is eliminated.

    I’m glad to see Ella hasn’t developed the snake phobia of her Mother and Grandparents. The photo is of Ella and a Corn Snake that lives at CNC.

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    2. IMG_2336.jpg

    3. Barn-Owl.jpg

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    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59998

    Carpenters Nature Center is the St Croix Valley’s Natural Home.

    Check out there website and you might want to pay them a visit. It’s free and always seems to be something going on!

    March Maple Syrup is coming up next I believe!

    PS all snakes are behind glass unless you have a granddaughter that wants to touch one.


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    Posts: 464

    That’s very nice. Last month I was at The Desert Museum by Tucson and got to watch some birds.

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    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59998

    Nice shots Dougie!

    Posts: 464

    A couple more.

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    2. image-3.jpg

    Mendota Heights, MN
    Posts: 660

    Snap traps all the way

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59998

    The announcement is not out yet but I just received word of the 2019 dates for the Masters of the Sky event.

    Feb 23rd, Saturday
    and Sunday, Feb 24th

    This is held at the
    Carpenter Nature Center
    12805 St Croix Trail S.
    Hastings, MN 55033
    651-437-4359 ext. 104

    There is a fee (last year $10.) and we must register prior to the event. It fills fast hence the heads up here.

    Watching this birds and learning about their habits is interesting for all ages, but my 5 year old granddaughter made me promise to take her again this year.

    More info to come as it becomes available.

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