Martial Law

  • jwellsy
    Posts: 1695

    The Democrat run city of Champaign IL yesterday essentially declared martial law by giving the mayor ‘certain emergency powers’ without using the phrase martial law.

    The emergency ordinance also gives the mayor some more far-reaching powers, including imposing a curfew, limiting the use of water, taking possession of property, restricting the sale of firearms and closing businesses.

    The local radio yesterday was also talking about potential road barricades.

    All this without a single case of Covid-19 in the county.

    Posts: 4941


    SE Wisconsin
    Posts: 472

    Is it so wrong to be preventative in a situation like this? Sure Martial Law May be overkill but they won’t be the last. Italy essentially enacted Martial Law when they quarantined entire cities where no one in and no one out. With as tragically under prepared we were for this. Is it any surprise that things like this are happening. Trump himself has given Pence emergency powers to waive laws and regulations to combat the spread. It’s not only Democrats.

    gary d
    Posts: 1125

    Is it so wrong to be preventative in a situation like this? Sure Martial Law May be overkill but they won’t be the last. Italy essentially enacted Martial Law when they quarantined entire cities where no one in and no one out. With as tragically under prepared we were for this. Is it any surprise that things like this are happening. Trump himself has given Pence emergency powers to waive laws and regulations to combat the spread. It’s not only Democrats.

    al-w You must remember this is a blue state were a governor said I’m going to raise your property tax, trailer lic, vehicle lic and democrats in this state voted him in. It all trinkle down from the top. I’m sure something stupid will come from it.

    Matt Stegmeir
    Posts: 38

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>al-wichman wrote:</div>
    Is it so wrong to be preventative in a situation like this? Sure Martial Law May be overkill but they won’t be the last. Italy essentially enacted Martial Law when they quarantined entire cities where no one in and no one out. With as tragically under prepared we were for this. Is it any surprise that things like this are happening. Trump himself has given Pence emergency powers to waive laws and regulations to combat the spread. It’s not only Democrats.

    al-w You must remember this is a blue state were a governor said I’m going to raise your property tax, trailer lic, vehicle lic and democrats in this state voted him in. It all trinkle down from the top. I’m sure something stupid will come from it.

    Only red states are allowed to be proactive in dealing with pandemics?

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17361

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>al-wichman wrote:</div>
    Is it so wrong to be preventative in a situation like this? Sure Martial Law May be overkill but they won’t be the last. Italy essentially enacted Martial Law when they quarantined entire cities where no one in and no one out. With as tragically under prepared we were for this. Is it any surprise that things like this are happening. Trump himself has given Pence emergency powers to waive laws and regulations to combat the spread. It’s not only Democrats.

    al-w You must remember this is a blue state were a governor said I’m going to raise your property tax, trailer lic, vehicle lic and democrats in this state voted him in. It all trinkle down from the top. I’m sure something stupid will come from it.

    Something stupid did………this thread.

    gary d
    Posts: 1125


    Only red states are allowed to be proactive in dealing with pandemics?

    Oh by the way raise gas tax 19 cent per gallon.

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    If the virus doesnt kill us all this political rift will. Jesus H Christ the finger pointing never ends

    Hot Runr Guy
    West Chicago, IL
    Posts: 1933

    al-w You must remember this is a blue state were a governor said I’m going to raise your property tax, trailer lic, vehicle lic and democrats in this state voted him in. It all trinkle down from the top. I’m sure something stupid will come from it.

    It’s mind-boggling how many people in IL never realized the ramifications of electing a Democratic Governor. Unless of course, you’re on the receiving end of all those promised social benefits,,,,


    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    Is it so wrong to be preventative in a situation like this? Sure Martial Law May be overkill but they won’t be the last. Italy essentially enacted Martial Law when they quarantined entire cities where no one in and no one out. With as tragically under prepared we were for this. Is it any surprise that things like this are happening. Trump himself has given Pence emergency powers to waive laws and regulations to combat the spread. It’s not only Democrats.

    I disagree with you.

    Posts: 760

    Hot Runr Guy, remember since 1991 there have been 4 Republican and 3 Democrats as Governors. Both parties can share the blame.

    Hot Runr Guy
    West Chicago, IL
    Posts: 1933

    Hot Runr Guy, remember since 1991 there have been 4 Republican and 3 Democrats as Governors. Both parties can share the blame.

    And yet it is the current Democratic Governor and administration that raised the <3000# trailer license plate from $18/year to $118/year. And raised the gas tax by 19 cents/gallon.

    Not to mention that the current Republican President commuted the sentence of the Democratic Governor that was in prison. Not even his own party took care of him.


    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17361

    Hey Terry……if you don’t like your guy come get Walz, he likes to spend and will fit right in over there!

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12924

    Hey Terry……if you don’t like your guy come get Walz, he likes to spend and will fit right in over there!

    rotflol rotflol only if the LT gov goes too!!!!!!!!!! rotflol rotflol devil

    Posts: 4941

    Put more Republicans in office and we’ll get out of debt AND strengthen our military.

    Vladimir? Is it you,Is it really You?

    Posts: 98

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Donald J wrote:</div>
    Put more Republicans in office and we’ll get out of debt AND strengthen our military.

    Vladimir? Is it you,Is it really You?

    Look at him, influencing our elections!

    SOBs were right after all!

    Posts: 5307

    Put more Republicans in office and we’ll get out of debt AND strengthen our military.

    Well this certainly sounds like the real Donald j. Talk talk yet you spend as much as any other liberal president. National debt will climb significantly under you, FACT. Same as Bush same as Obama.

    Posts: 4941

    Haha no, no Russki here, just a proud right winger who cares about the future of his country.


    Joesph Borris Yuri they’re all proud of you

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4112

    The city of Hoboken, NJ is implementing a city-wide curfew as well as additional restrictions. I have no idea what the political affiliations of their mayor or city council members but I just wanted to make some of you aware so you have the opportunity to be angry and offended about this instance too.

    Posts: 1044

    I’m from Illinois. There ain’t nobody stupider than us.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17361

    Well I won’t argue the point ….. but I won’t concede it either. jester

    Don Meier
    Butternut Wisconsin
    Posts: 1747

    Wow lot of angry people, how about just stay safe and try not to spread this damn virus !

    Posts: 1695

    While every one’s focused on COVID-19 the House and Senate just introduced new massive gun control bills. In the immortal words of Rahm Emanual (D), “Never Let A crisis Go To Waste”.

    Rep. Henry Johnson (D-Ga) presented this 1/30/2020.

    Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Ma) presented this 2/5/2020.

    I’m sure some people here won’t mind these, some will welcome them and others will see them for what they really are:

    Ban gun ownership without a government license
    Ban your rifles
    Ban your magazines
    Ban suppressors
    Ban home builds
    Create a national gun registry
    Set up a nationwide gun confiscation scheme
    Tax guns at 30% and ammo at 50%
    Ban patriots under 21 from exercising their Second Amendment rights
    Ration guns by making it illegal to purchase more than one firearm in a 30-day period
    * Force “Safe Storage” requirements on gun owners
    * Force FFLs to spend massive amounts of money to comply with new “security” requirements
    * Expand “Gun Free Zones”
    * And the list goes on and on and on

    Drizzy Musky
    Posts: 258


    Jeez, I can see staying at home is already taking its toll.

    Stay the course, if we don’t it will be even longer until some normalcy returns. Still a long way to go.

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