When it comes to quality I’ve been waiting a very long time for the fl8. Yes they made 8s. to kick the bucket, and I’d look at new options. It hasn’t kicked the bucket yet.
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » Ice Fishing Forum » Marcum/Vexilar Behind?
Marcum/Vexilar Behind?
October 26, 2019 at 7:21 am #1887032
Give me a flasher (vexilar) and navionics on my phone and I’m plenty good..
all that extra fancy new stuff is nice but I still catch the same fish as the guy next to me using the fancy stuffOctober 26, 2019 at 7:28 am #1887033Curious how the Marcum RT-9 2.0 upgrade will go? Free Navionics chip, lithium battery upgrade, improved circuitry etc.?
Fool me once….
Ice Cap
Posts: 2241October 26, 2019 at 7:55 am #1887036Moved into a Helix 7 dual season. I love it. My boat marks many new potential ice fishing spots with the exact same unit I will use to ice fish with. The locator is head and shoulders above the Lowarance Gen 3 for detail in standard locator sonar side by side. This plus the gps makes it a no brainer. Almost time to pull it off my boat and turn it back into an ice fishing machine.
If you don’t have one get the new Lake Master chip for your Bird you will love it!
Posts: 1583October 28, 2019 at 12:19 pm #1887348What ever happened to just looking at a lake map and go fishing. Yes I am old fasion, but to me all of these new electrics are just fancy toys. You spend more time playing/adjusting than you do with hooks in the wate. Are you out there to catch fish or to snag them using the electrics? Isn’t the fun trying outwit the fish and trying to find them?
whatever happened to just cutting a hole with a rock tied to a stick and using a spear to catch fish through the ice!
October 28, 2019 at 5:26 pm #1887431I have way too much money tied up in locators. In fact I have most of them, Marcum, Vexilar, Hummingbird and Vexilars. Touch screens and flashers both, but I grab my Vexilar FL8 most of the time… the fancy units help me in the summer but in the winter I feel there is no advantage at all.
Matthew Sandys
Posts: 383Cameron white
Posts: 516November 3, 2019 at 8:26 am #1888560<div class=”ido-oembed-wrap”>
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I spoke too soon.I’m out. Done with marcum. They are really touched if they put out a revamped rt-9.
Posts: 1291November 3, 2019 at 11:54 am #1888582I hauled this monstrosity around in the early 80s,about 20 pounds weight.It was a Humminbird Super 30II.When the 3-color units first came out,they were not cheap.But last winter,I ran into a guy still using a Hondex FL-8.
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