Marcum Service

  • xkp763
    Posts: 5

    Hello fellow sportsmen Im new to this form just joined today cause of the great help and info i been reading here, there’s lots of help here so I was wondering if any of u guys have had the same problem I have now,its about my Marcum Lx7 i recently upgraded my software and now non of my buttons are functioning right took it in to Marcum in New Hope about 2 wks ago and i just now got a reply saying that its going to take another 2 wks.I was just wondering has anyone else had this problem with Marcum taking this long to trouble shoot the unit? Im going crazy here not having my marcum to go out fishing!!

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    when I used their service they didn’t take a long time to fix the unit but their communication was horrible. I would keep calling them every couple of days to get status updates.

    Posts: 5

    Yup that’s what I been Doing Thank man just wanted to vent out

    King Dinger
    Posts: 75

    I took my LX7 to there New Hope Location and the guys in the office downloaded my new software in the 10 min I was there and out the door with a smile. No hassle and fast service. My LX7 works great! Hopefully they get yours back soon.

    Mike S
    Posts: 108

    Sent mine in (LX9) and it took about 3 weeks to get back.

    Posts: 5

    Mike what was wrong with your lx9

    Brandon, SD 57005
    Posts: 793

    Took 11 days to ship my LX5 to Marcum, get fixed and shipped back to South Dakota.

    Posts: 5

    Ok got my Lx7 back on Wednesday after 3 wks of repair took it to Leech lake over the weeknd and it is still not working I couldn’t believed this, repair service is a joke now im taking it back Monday. Hope its a quick fix

    Walleyestudent Andy Cox
    Garrison MN-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 4484

    This seems to be an all too common thread here on this forum and perhaps others? Not trying to start a firestorm or another Ford, Chevy boxing exhibition. However this concern had been posted numerous times on this forum.
    Not even so much that there is or could be frustration with Marcum customer service, but that there seems to be even an occasion to have to need repair or remedial service.
    Perhaps Vexilars are not as sophisticated or have less technology or sophisticated features, but I have not seen near the amount of needs to send them back for repair or service.
    Just turn them on and they work…for what they’re worth?

    MN - 55082
    Posts: 1644

    Just turn them on and they work…for what they’re worth?

    Most Vexilar users don’t know about the internet.

    Mendota Heights, MN
    Posts: 660

    Seems I’m always hearing nothing but bad things about marcum… At least in comparison to, say, vexilar. What gives?

    Mike S
    Posts: 108

    Mine had a issue with the screen going grey and not doing anything else including shutting off. Marcum replaced the control board and transducer and now it seams to work fine. Tried the old transducer and couldn’t see a difference. Took 3 weeks and $180 dollars.

    Posts: 19438

    I just wanted to post to say I’ve never had a bad experience with Marcum support. Unfortunately I’ve had to use them several times for bad chargers, missing pieces, etc…but I can honestly say it’s been a very simple process everytime. If you create a support profile on their website, they will update the status of the issue under your account, simple and easy…

    MN - 55082
    Posts: 1644

    This made me giggle. Too Funny!

    Glad you saw the humor, it was meant as a joke. The jester dealy didn’t apply correctly that time.. jester

    I’m sure there’s a small bit of truth buried there. I assume that folks that don’t use the internet are probably fractionally more likely to enjoy using a Vexilar. The beep beep boop computer interface on a Marcum has got to be a huge turn off for many folks?

    I’m sure Vex gets a fair number of service requests per year, but I would wager it’s fractional compared to the flux the poor service techs at Versa experience each ice-up. Out of 8 marcum products I’ve owned, only 2 have never had issues requiring service.

    Joe Scegura
    Alexandria MN
    Posts: 2758

    I’ve owned 8 Marcum products and 7 Vex units. I’ve had issues with all but one of my Marcums shortly after buying them.

    To this day I have not had one issue with a Vexilar. Note these Vex units have been dropped on the ice, dropped in the lake, sent air born and flew across the ice in pieces… all I’ve ever had to do was reconnect the battery and I was back in business. These things are bullet proof!

    Vexilar customer service might be horrible too, but at this rate I don’t think I’ll ever find out.

    Most Vexilar users don’t know about the internet.

    grin And I even know about the fancy internets!

    Brandon, SD 57005
    Posts: 793

    X2 and I love my 3 Marcums. Only had 1 issue in 10+ years and it was handled professionally by Marcum.

    I just wanted to post to say I’ve never had a bad experience with Marcum support. Unfortunately I’ve had to use them several times for bad chargers, missing pieces, etc…but I can honestly say it’s been a very simple process everytime. If you create a support profile on their website, they will update the status of the issue under your account, simple and easy…

    Walleyestudent Andy Cox
    Garrison MN-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 4484

    …some say they’re behind on times but they always work! Those FL8’s are like the old honda big reds…they’ll be around forever!

    I still use the old FL-8se’s, 2 of them…one is pushing 20 years old and still works just like the day I got it. Only had to replace the battery. Yes, perhaps they are somewhat primitive and simple, but being that I am simple minded and “don’t know about the internet”…guess it’s perfect for me. jester
    Plus when this little lady was selling…I would’ve bought just about anything from her! wink

    1. FB_IMG_1487562795054.jpg

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 925

    I want to go fishing with her! Only because she knows where the beastly crappies are of course…. blush

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