Marcum RT-9

  • Shawn U
    Posts: 80

    I am looking at purchasing a RT-9 but the reviews I have read don’t put it in the best light. I am really hoping those things have been addressed and the units are now sound. Does anyone have updated news on the camera, software and power issues?

    Matt Coffey
    Posts: 67

    when that unit first came out it was retailing for $1600. You can get them on amazon now for $500. That should answer your questions about any updates or revisions. They are discontinued and they are just trying to get rid of the ones they had. So if it had a bunch of issues at first, the units now will have the same issues.

    Posts: 19473

    i’m guessing if you put out a want ad for one, you’d get dozen of replies from folks wanting to unload them for anything they can get…what a colossal failure that device was….lots of “promise” but never truly delivered…

    Look for a LX-6/7/9 and purchase the Humminbird lakemaster app for your phone instead…

    Posts: 24606

    i’m guessing if you put out a want ad for one, you’d get dozen of replies from folks wanting to unload them for anything they can get…what a colossal failure that device was….lots of “promise” but never truly delivered…

    Look for a LX-6/7/9 and purchase the Humminbird lakemaster app for your phone instead…

    Right as a fan of Marcum I was very disappointed with this the second it came out and it never really got out of that cloud.

    If an LX unit doesnt interest you, consider getting or making a portable pack for your summer electronics. I use my Lowrance units both on my ATV/Snowmobile and while fishing.

    Shawn U
    Posts: 80

    This is such a bummer to hear, I really wanted it to my next unit. I currently have the LX5 and a humminbird 597 with GPS. A camera was my next purchase and I hoped I could get everything in one package…….I will still keep an open mind but also look at options. Maybe a LX9 and some sort of GPS unit.

    SE Wisconsin
    Posts: 472

    You can get a good camera for under 300.00. I honestly rarely use my camera when I’m actually fishing, too much stuff to get tangled. The RT-9 had terrible everything. I seen a few of those tablets get tossed across the ice in frustration.

    Shawn U
    Posts: 80

    My open mind is closing fast, like a trap door actually. My original plan was an LX-6 or LX-7 and a Marcum Recon camera. I think I will stick with that plan so now I just have to decide on a LX 6 or 7. Thanks for confirming what my gut was telling me!

    Dusty Gesinger
    Minnetrista, Minnesota
    Posts: 2421

    I would highly consider a helix 7 and a marcum camera, or lx9 with
    Camera and helix 5 for gps.

    Posts: 19473

    My open mind is closing fast, like a trap door actually. My original plan was an LX-6 or LX-7 and a Marcum Recon camera. I think I will stick with that plan so now I just have to decide on a LX 6 or 7. Thanks for confirming what my gut was telling me!

    I’ve owned both and decided to stick with a LX-6s with a lithium battery, super easy to hole hope with and the smaller screen is more than enough. I use a Marcum VS825SD for scouting and for when the bite is tough, love that 8” screen!

    Shawn U
    Posts: 80

    Found this picture last night, I like this idea.

    1. 15664625098595930312474928457237.png

    Dusty Gesinger
    Minnetrista, Minnesota
    Posts: 2421

    Why use your phone when they don’t work very well and replacement cost is much more than a GPS?

    Posts: 19473

    Why use your phone when they don’t work very well and replacement cost is much more than a GPS?

    one less thing to carry on the ice (assuming you’ll already bring your phone) If you get something like the Humminbird app with a lakemaster map loaded on it, how is it any different than what a Helix GPS unit displays? All you need it to do is get you to the spot, then you put it back in your pocket…

    Dusty Gesinger
    Minnetrista, Minnesota
    Posts: 2421

    Not as accurate. Depth shading, helix is already with me, and cheaper than my Marcum. Just putting some info out there.

    Shawn U
    Posts: 80

    That is a picture I found online and liked the idea of something like that. I think I may actually look into a new GPS next year. My Garmin Vista HCX is only working when it wants to. I will also look at other digital flashers as well at the ice show. Maybe someone will make a unit with GPS, we will have to see.

    Posts: 24606

    That is a picture I found online and liked the idea of something like that. I think I may actually look into a new GPS next year. My Garmin Vista HCX is only working when it wants to. I will also look at other digital flashers as well at the ice show. Maybe someone will make a unit with GPS, we will have to see.

    You can pick up used Lowrance, Humminbird and Garmin GPS units quite cheap and they work very well on the ice. The “touch” HDS units you can use a camera with them as long as its over a 7″ model, you just need to have the camera and an adapter to plug it in.
    The GPS in phones are not near as accurate as the GPS units used in a boat for multiple reasons. The screen is so small and they are not using WAAS. Yeah, they may triangulate you off cell towers and satellites, but its not as accurate.
    Any GPS is going to be better than nothing and no GPS will get you exactly on the spot just because of the percentage of error unless of course you have a farm or utilities locating GPS. -)

    Dusty Gesinger
    Minnetrista, Minnesota
    Posts: 2421

    That is a picture I found online and liked the idea of something like that. I think I may actually look into a new GPS next year. My Garmin Vista HCX is only working when it wants to. I will also look at other digital flashers as well at the ice show. Maybe someone will make a unit with GPS, we will have to see.

    That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you, the helix or garmin or lowrance have GPS.

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