marcum rt-9

  • 213
    Posts: 54

    Seen on the internet about a month ago that marcum came out with an rt-9. They look like they are gonna be top of the line as is usual with the marcum products havent seen the IDO crew use them yet just wondering if anyone has used it or seen them I have seen them in their catalog. And cabelas has them online for $1,599.

    Wharf Rat
    Posts: 265

    Cabelas doesn’t have them in stock.
    I have a tough time believing that this product will see its release during the current ice season.
    I can only speculate that they are working out bugs with the software so it’s delayed.
    It’s a great idea for a product but a lot of cash to lay out. I’ll wait and see if they got it right on first release before considering whether I want to replace my LX-9 with this.

    Posts: 229

    For $1600 that thing better catch the fish, filet them and cook them for you.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    Aaron, it may do more than that. As for the release, there more companies involved than just Marcum to get all the prep work done. It’s coming!!!#

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