Marcum recon 5 again…

  • jarrod holbrook
    Posts: 179

    Sorry guys I know this has been covered and I read all the treads I can find. Ohio water is notoriously cloudy with visibility not being great. Does the recon 5 and 5+ perform well in marginal conditions? I don’t expect it to blaze through muddy water, but I definitely don’t get the clear pristine conditions that the northern lakes enjoy. I am frustrated to no end of marking fish that refuse to commit and I want to know if I am wasting my day on dinks. Thanks again for all the input guys.

    Joe Scegura
    Alexandria MN
    Posts: 2758

    Think of it like this. If you were to swim down there and open your eyes what would you see? Well that’s what you will see with a Marcum camera. It’s not magic but IMO it does a great job of showing you what you could see if you were down there. Hope that helps.

    Posts: 18883

    BK posted a Recon vs LX-9 camera video awhile ago filmed on the Mississippi, this should give you a pretty good idea…

    jarrod holbrook
    Posts: 179

    Thanks Joe! That video helps a lot.. That is about the same stain that I am dealing with. I should be able to see the jig 2′ away. You guys always help me to spend more money… Someday there will be the best garage sale on earth and my wife has no clue what I spent!!!!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    This might help. I had a VS825sd out in July on the Mississippi a few summers ago. This is about the worst time for clarity (although I don’t recall if it rained close to the time I had it out).

    I could always see 4 to 6″.

    I think I have a video…I’ll check.

    jarrod holbrook
    Posts: 179

    Ok, I pulled the trigger. For those looking I grabbed a Recon 5 from Fish USA for $233 and free shipping use code ForumJan2018 at check up. I don’t know if it’s OK to post this so sorry if I stepped on toes, just wanted to pass a smoking deal on to the others. Thanks for the help guys, I’ll post results. I wanted the 5+, but without knowing if it is going to work great I just grabbed a regular 5. Better than nothing and for that price I’ll give it a try. The kids will love it if this works.

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