Marcum PanCam?

  • Travis Halverson
    Posts: 11

    I am usually fishing a local lake in southwest wi with many cribs that have been put in place and have found the need of an underwater camera and the pancam looks like just what im looking for but does anyone on here have one/ used one and could give me some insight of what to expect? currently I have a lx6 and just need a camera

    Posts: 19465

    I returned mine a few days after purchase ONLY because the pancam motor is junk out of the box…I knew the software was going to be a bit buggy early on (I had multiple crashes and lost pancam control many times requiring reloading the app) as this is a completely new product, but there’s NO WAY this product was adequately tested by Marcum before release! If it was, the pancam motor issue would have been identified/fixed immediately. Great idea, terrible execution by Marcum!

    Another issue to mention is that the recorded video resolution is TERRIBLE to the point of being unwatchable… I used an iPad for my screen and while it looks normal when watching it live, the recorded video output is crap. This is especially true for those with Perm houses who want to output the video to a TV….

    and to answer your crib monitoring question, I did not personally test the wifi range (i used my pancam inside a portable) but other reviews I found online mention the wifi range is more like 100 feet at best (vs Marcum’s stated 300′) before the video signal gets weak and breaks up. So if you want to setup remote pancam’s for monitoring spread out cribs, they will need to be close together…

    Travis Halverson
    Posts: 11

    thanks for the heads up what camera should i looking at cost is defiantly an issue. looking for something like that application used on the latest season nine video

    Posts: 19465

    I’ve seen last years VS385c camera on c-list for around $300 or cheaper, that has a 7″ wide screen display. I previously had a VS625SD, but recently upgraded to a VS825SD as I wanted the biggest screen available..

    I’m not as sold on the color aspect of the camera as I am of the on screen depth and relative camera direction features. Going with a B&W camera will save you big $$

    Hastings, mn
    Posts: 351

    I’ve had the pan cam a few weeks now and I’m not all that impressed either. Even on Mille lacs, I could hardly see anything with it. Everything was an overwhelming green color. My friends b&w cam did better. The App keeps crashing on my phone (android) and the cam wouldn’t pan very well.

    Travis Halverson
    Posts: 11

    darn it guys i was hoping you would of said its great and i would be buying one asap. well boys and girls can you help me pick out a camera

    Posts: 19465

    Marcum’s cam’s are still the best imo….They have a good range of price points too..

    Doug Larsen
    Posts: 630

    Mine is going back too, I thought I could use an old VS380 camera with it but it won’t. For the money, I’d rather have another VS625c

    Aniwa, WI
    Posts: 2548

    The marcum vs485, or if you can find a used vs-625sd you will have an excellent camera.

    You can get a 485 on Ebay for $336.98

    Posts: 19465

    Mine is going back too, I thought I could use an old VS380 camera with it but it won’t. For the money, I’d rather have another VS625c

    You should save a little more $$ and upgrade to the 825, the added 2″ screen makes a huge difference…I recently upgraded mine..

    Doug Larsen
    Posts: 630

    I thought about it but I got such a deal on my 625SD over the summer I can’t justify it!

    JD Winston
    Chanhassen, MN
    Posts: 899

    whats the main difference in the 485 and the 685


    JD Winston
    Chanhassen, MN
    Posts: 899

    I try Doug, oh do I try.

    Posts: 19465

    whats the main difference in the 485 and the 685

    Do you mean differences between the 385 vs 485? if so, the 485 is the newer model # but they appear to be the same camera…

    If comparing the 485 and 625SD, then the differences are all the onscreen information you can turn on/off with the 625SD vs the 1″ larger widescreen and no on screen info for the 485. Rapala’s website has a comparison chart you can view.

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