Marcum M5 Question

  • Sloughtiger15
    Posts: 1

    Hello Everybody,

    I have not owned any other brand of flasher besides a Marcum! I loved my lx5, but she finally took a dump after years of wear and tare! “Brushes went out”. I am thinking about sending it in to have Marcum having them fix it and have it be a great back up! I recently bought a M5 as a upgrade. Love the unit, but my question is this. Since they are a brushless motor arn’t they suppose to be quiet? When I turn the unit on, it’s louder then my old lx5, which was getting a high humming noise and vibrations since the brushes went out! It also seems like their is some vibrating going on. I have a feeling I have a faulty unit and quite discouraged about it. Or for the M5s is this normal?

    Posts: 120

    Mine is quieter but does vibrate slightly but barely noticeable Way better than lx5

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    I’ve got an M1 that makes some noise and slight vibrations. Quieter than a brushed model, though.

    There is a motor in there, so it’s not going to be completely silent nor vibration free, but if you think it’s excessive, I would contact Marcum for some reassurance.

    Posts: 756

    My M5 seemed to “break in” and is less noisy now than when I first bought it. Still a little noise, but when compared to a Vexilar FL8, it’s silent.

    Posts: 1291

    Mine is dead silent,to me.Can’t hear that spectrum,even a Vex Fl8 is quiet to me…the M5 is a big upgrade from LX5,although I wish it had a dimming feature for night fishing.

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