Marcum M5 Lithium Shuttle

  • Mike Endres
    Posts: 15

    My question is when out on the ice hole hoping during a snowfall should I cover it with
    something to keep it dry, maybe a piece of old rain coat.

    Lil'Can, MN
    Posts: 1444

    One of those clear plastic vinyl bag? A clear square box/ container?

    Mike Endres
    Posts: 15

    Thanks for the idea,’ll look for something like that.

    MN - 55082
    Posts: 1644

    Are you thinking raincoat because the switches and usb port might get a little moist?

    Imo, if any ice fishing anything can’t get snowed on a little and get slightly wet, it’s JUNK. If it needed a raincoat, it would have came in the bucket, part of the purchase. I’d maybe worry about it sitting in sloppy slush and sinking. Make a little striker ice booty for it! jester

    Posts: 86

    No need to cover your shuttle Mike. They handle the elements just fine

    Mike Endres
    Posts: 15

    Thanks for your reply you made a good point.

    NW Metro
    Posts: 999

    I have put mine through some major abuse and even from fishing in the rain I has no issues. I do let them warm up and dry out before charging. I always makes me nervous to just plug it in while being soaking wet.

    Bryan Myers
    Posts: 586

    I’ve used mine the last couple years and I have had it in rain, and snow and I’ve never had an issue, they are built to handle it.

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