Marcum LX9 Issue

  • Mike S
    Posts: 108

    Anyone have a LX9 screen go to a grey color with nothing else showing? To turn off had to unhook battery. Also doesn’t show the lx9 screen on start up, only grey color. Will send back to Marcum to try to get repaired. Don’t think nothing I can do to fix.

    NW Metro
    Posts: 999

    So I had this happen once up in Ely. Did all kinds of strange things. I turned out being a dead battery. I am not sure if one cell can go bad but replaced the battery and it worked just fine again.

    Just a thought.

    Mike S
    Posts: 108

    Thank You for your reply. I checked the battery and it was 12.8 volts and even had an adapter I made up to plug into the 12V plug in fish house without the battery and still issue. Tried downloading the update from before to no luck. So far can’t see any thing else to do except return to Marcum.

    NW Metro
    Posts: 999

    Thats a bummer. Good luck!

    Mike S
    Posts: 108

    Sent it back over 2 weeks ago and no repair yet. Hoping it gets fixed shortly as only have 2 more weekends to get out. No reply or info yet from them. Looks like won’t get to use even once this ice season.

    Posts: 19604

    if you talk to them again, ask they when the hell the software update is going to be released? It’s been over 3 years now!

    Posts: 118

    My LX nine just did this same thing on a nine day trip. Luckily I had plenty of other fish finders in my arsenal to get me on the fish. The glitches on this product have really soured me on Marcum units. If it were not for their superior target separation, interference rejection and graph mode I would throw it in the trash. My Humminbird is actually a better unit but sucks around other fishfinders.

    Mike S
    Posts: 108

    Really stinks when you pay that kind of money and so far it has been back twice. Other times they were fast service but this time not. Concerns me that they are having so many issues with products. I really liked the graph also so if doesn’t get back before weekend will be getting a hummingbird. Have a vexiler but can’t get it away from the wife. Other times was under warranty but this time with shipping I will have another $200 into it. Frustrated in MN

    Posts: 118

    Once again, Marcum was great with their customer service today. Put My LX nine in the mail this afternoon and they were great to deal with on the phone.

    Ryan Johnson
    Posts: 3

    were you able to get yours fixed/what did you have to do? my Lx9 just did this while i was updating it.

    Mike S
    Posts: 108

    After getting it back it has been fine since.

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