MarCum LX3tci depth reading

  • Charles F Paninski
    Posts: 14

    Hi I noticed when checking the depth reading on my flashers holding it above my hardwood kitchen floor at about 4’, that it reads 10’ ? Does this mean my transducer is bad? Any suggestions? Thanks

    James Almquist
    Posts: 531

    Try it in the water. More then likely it is just fine.

    Charles F Paninski
    Posts: 14

    Thanks. I thought the way you test your depth Finder was to hold it over a hard surface and it should read the correct depth? Not sure if that’s correct. When I hold it at 5’ above the hardwood floor it was reading close to 20’? Just doesn’t seem right. Thanks again.

    Posts: 3409

    What you are doing is showing that the transducer is sending and receiving the pings. It is not accurate since sound travels at a different speed in air vs water. It is slower in air thus the “deeper” reading. It is about 4 times slower so your unit looks to be accurate using your 5 foot transducer height and 20 foot reading.

    Charles F Paninski
    Posts: 14

    Thanks Netguy. I really like this unit and it’sa relief to know I don’t need repairs. Fish on!

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