Marcum Custom Transducer arms

  • Matthew Sandys
    Posts: 387

    I’m posting this for my high school class that we started this year.

    $20 for one or both arms engraved, this includes mailing too.

    E3 Designs is a high school run manufacturing business that is a collaboration between 3 high schools. We have designed and are selling custom engraved transducer holders designed mainly for Marcum products. In the future, we want to show love to Vexilar, Humminbird, and others but at this time we don’t have the machine capabilities. In the future, we plan to purchase a CNC lathe to allow us to create products for all ice fishing electronics manufacturers. If you wish to purchase a custom transducer arm you can reach us at [email protected] or on our facebook page at E3 Designs (listed below). All transactions will be processed through PayPal.

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    North Metro
    Posts: 1004

    Price ballpark might be helpful.

    I get that they can be customized so the cost can vary but do you have a base price?

    Matthew Sandys
    Posts: 387

    Sorry, We forgot to put it on the original post. It is up there now. If you have any more questions please let us know.


    Matthew Sandys
    Posts: 387

    Here are some more pictures. They come with stainless bolts and nuts with Teflon locker, there is a nylon washer between them to help slid nicer and not create contact. You can adjust the tension as you like.

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    North Metro
    Posts: 1004

    Thanks Matthew Seems like a great price.

    Likely going to buy 1 or 2 so I will email you email listed above.

    Posts: 426

    What material is the arm made of?
    Don’t do FB can I order another way?

    Posts: 9330

    What material is the arm made of?
    Don’t do FB can I order another way?

    You can email them at the email listed in the original post.

    Matthew Sandys
    Posts: 387

    Yes, I know I lot of people don’t do Facebook. Please email the address and students will be in contact with you for the order. You will get a confirmation email to see what you would like engraved. After that is filled out they will send you a Paypal invoice.

    All the Arms are made of 6061 Aluminum.

    Buffalo Fishhead
    Posts: 310

    Looks like a great idea.

    Hope it works out well for the schools.

    Buffalo Fishhead

    Posts: 19899

    comparing it to the stock Marcum arm, was there any thought (or reasoning) that went into the decisions for the gap width and direction of the opening for the ducer cable for your arm design?

    I noticed both are different from the stock one and was curious if that was on purpose or not?

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    Kurt Turner
    Kasson, MN
    Posts: 582


    Thank you for giving these students this great opportunity. Precious lessons can be learned from this project which could enable great lives for these lucky students.

    For those interest. Class is 1 – 3. Your email inquiries will be addressed during this time frame.


    Posts: 3249

    comparing it to the stock Marcum arm, was there any thought (or reasoning) that went into the decisions for the gap width and direction of the opening for the ducer cable for your arm design?

    I noticed both are different from the stock one and was curious if that was on purpose or not?

    Their pic shows the Marcum arm upside down. Correct?

    Matthew Sandys
    Posts: 387

    It is upside down, but we made the gap bigger to get in and out easier and also for time for machining it. Bigger tool faster speeds.

    Bass Thumb
    Royalton, MN
    Posts: 1200

    Very nice. I’ll take one of those for my Helix 7.

    I like that it’s helping to further a trade-related education.

    Email was sent.

    Matthew Sandys
    Posts: 387

    Thank you, sir

    I love fishing and making stuff, just trying to pass the passion and knowledge down. We will be getting to you as soon as the kids get to class.

    The hard part is we are only 1.5 hours a day. It could be a full-day class.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11160

    email sent –

    I need an “Eelpoutguy” arm for my LX6. Hopefully it will help me catch more fish. toast

    Matthew Sandys
    Posts: 387

    Yes, it absolutely will. We will get you set up right away Monday when we get back to class.


    email sent –

    I need an “Eelpoutguy” arm for my LX6. Hopefully it will help me catch more fish. toast

    The Back 40
    Posts: 1955

    Pretty cool! What area high schools are you teamed up with and looking for others? I think it’s great.

    Matthew Sandys
    Posts: 387

    I teach at Grand Rapids High School and we get kids from Greenway and Nashwauk right now. We are looking to expand it to Deer River kids next year and grow the class. There have been a lot of challenges along the way but it has been a great real-life education for the kids.

    Pretty cool! What area high schools are you teamed up with and looking for others? I think it’s great.

    Matthew Sandys
    Posts: 387

    Thank you to all who have ordered transducer arms. We have a lot done and will be shipping out later this week.

    Sorry for the delay we are waiting for our hardware to come in. As soon as they are assembled we will be sending tracking notifications to all.

    Thank you

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    Posts: 426

    As soon as I saw it will help me catch more fish. I ordered mine today.

    Matthew Sandys
    Posts: 387

    You will have to let us know how many more fish it helps you catch!

    As soon as I saw it will help me catch more fish. I ordered mine today.

    Kurt Turner
    Kasson, MN
    Posts: 582

    Nice work class!

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    Posts: 426

    I received mine today.Your kids did an excellent job.

    Matthew Sandys
    Posts: 387

    Thank you guys,
    If there is anything you can see we need to improve on please let us know. They are high school kids and we based everything off a borrowed LX-1. We don’t have access to them all. But we really appreciate your support of our manufacturing class.

    We are hoping to add powder coating to them next year. If you purchased one this year and we get powder coating going we will do yours for free, Just pay to ship.

    Posts: 168

    I ordered two and was shocked at how fast they got here. The students did a fine job If anyone is hesitating to order. I wouldn’t as you will be as pleased as I am.

    Matthew Sandys
    Posts: 387

    I want to thank everyone who ordered a custom transducer arm. The students learned a lot of things in the class and not everything goes right. But we tried to teach them to make it right. We will be back next year to offer them for vexilar, bird and Garmin as I just got word we got approval for our CNC lathe.

    If there is anything you don’t like about the arms please let me know. We are going to continue to make them better. So please tell us what you don’t like I will make a list and we will tackle it next fall in class.

    Thank you: from me and all the E3Designs students

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11160

    I like that there a bit longer than a stock arm but it is a smidge long.
    It won’t let the LX6 attached to the shuttle fit all the way to the bottom of the bucket.

    Matthew Sandys
    Posts: 387

    I like that there a bit longer than a stock arm but it is a smidge long.
    It won’t let the LX6 attached to the shuttle fit all the way to the bottom of the bucket.

    We are aware of that issue, someone else also said the same thing. We never thought of that when designing it. We hope to get a shuttle to design one that is as long as we can get it and still fit inside a bucket.

    Thanks, Eelpoutguy this is exactly what we are looking for. Hard to plan for everything, but we can learn and improve.

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