Marcum Camera Instructions Mention a "Piggyback Wiring Harness" for charging??

  • JoeMX1825
    Posts: 19844

    This is taken directly from the Marcum VS825SD owners manual:
    To charge your battery:
    Your battery has a wiring harness attached to it that has “piggyback” terminals
    on it, enabling you to keep the power cord from the unit attached to the battery
    at all times, as well as having the wiring harness with receptacle for your charger
    attached at all times. To charge, simply couple the end of the charger with the
    end of the wiring harness.

    I don’t have a “Piggyback Wiring Harness” on my camera. My VS825SD has simple Red & Black slip on clips that connect directly to the battery terminals. These have to be pulled off the terminals, so the charger’s alligator clips can then latch on. Once charging is complete, I pull the alligator clips off and slip back on the Red & Black connectors.

    Am I missing some type of cable harness, simply misinterpreting the instructions or did Marcum change the process and not update the manual?

    I’d love to not have to unplug the cables everytime I charge it…

    Marcum Manual link –

    MN - 55082
    Posts: 1644

    It’s likely a non-updated manual issue. Back when the DCS chargers were provided, they came with the piggy back spade terminals.

    1. spade_piggy.jpg

    Posts: 19844

    cool, i’ll just go pickup a couple of those

    Posts: 73

    My 825 came with the piggyback to a sae connector hanging out front of unit for charging to the sae end of charger cable. Maybe the new ones have changed? mine is on third season, great unit.Fish safe

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