March Madness

  • jeff-patrick
    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 2128

    This week with warmer temps and rain the March madness has started.

    Water temps around 40*

    1. 3-9-16.jpg

    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 2128

    update water temps around 47* bingo

    Elkhorn, WI
    Posts: 182

    Yeah I had 46-48* on Wed too, but I was surprised the plastic bite was way off… One small sauger on purple was it, everything else came on minnows. Gonna try my luck again Friday morning after work. yay toast

    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 2128

    Hi Al, Thanks for stopping Friday.. Good to see u. Dam that motor is loud. Hope u use ear plugs, lol. Water temps Friday afternoon was 49* to 50*. After the 50 shorts or so we ended up with two keeper males milting. Did you find any keepers?

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13923

    All shorts that I have stumbled upon up river of you. Figured the majority were resident or winter hold-overs. Lots of 9″ to 12″ eyes

    Kelly Jordan
    Fort Atikinson,Wisc
    Posts: 329

    Made it out today with a friend for his first walleye fishing.(he is a bass guy). Took his boat out as mine wont be in for a couple more weeks. Must have caught 40 or more shorts, lost a legal by the boat. fun day on the water. started at k-mart launch, nothing going on there, to bark river. worked down to Blackhawk area, where most the fish we caught were. Fintech jigs with minnow what we used.

    Elkhorn, WI
    Posts: 182

    No keepers for me Saturday but only fished until noon. I’ve never seen such an abundance of short fish or lack of bigger fish in an area before, fishing 3 days last week I’m sure I caught 100 fish but only 3 over 15″ and none over 17″… And I fished from 106 all the way to the lake. Hopefully a little rain will get the river and bigger fish moving this week.
    As far a hearing protection yeah if I’m running a long ways with it but just fishing no… Don’t think I have to worry about sneaking up on anyone with it either whistling

    Gregg Pfeifer
    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 889

    It didn’t take long for the river to fill up, it’s right up to the top of the wall in Fort already. Get ready, no wake, faster current but maybe bigger fish. With the amount of water they have south of us I doubt it’ll recede anytime soon.

    Kelly Jordan
    Fort Atikinson,Wisc
    Posts: 329

    Made it out today in a friends boat. Vertical jigging with zone-r jigs and minnows drifting, then pulling 3-way rigs with stick baits on way back up from a drift. Both methods produced today, ended up with 2 16 inchers in the box. Fished from 6 am till the rain set in. Started by the bark river, 3 ways worked much better there, went to the mouth and drifting worked a little better.

    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 2128

    no wake on

    1. no-wake-1.png

    Gregg Pfeifer
    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 889

    Groovy, I guess it’s time to get the canoe out then and try some backwaters. Don’t forget your new fishing license.

    Posts: 150

    just got my licence. paper receipt says “you are not eligible to use your Wisconsin drivers license for display of recreational approvals”. Anybody know what is going on with new licensing?

    Fort Atkinson , WI
    Posts: 281

    Mine says the same thing. I got my 2016 license on the 15th and at that time I was told the system wasn’t accepting drivers license information due to a glitch in the system. The license agent said “Well at least your information is in the system” Whatever that means. LOL I took it to mean that the system will accept my drivers license down the road some time ???? Dunno.

    Long way from home
    Posts: 316

    This whole thing is a joke. I was supposed to get a go wild card by March 25th. Called today and was told now don’t know when it will show up. Typical DNR crap again. Just glad I got my 3 extra turkey tags!

    Posts: 150

    thanks for the replies. Went to the DNR center here in Janesville the other day. They said the server was having issues so they shut down everything. Could buy license but would not attach to DMV. They gave me a free reprint and activated my drivers license to accept fishing license. So yea, I’m legal without having to carry a stupid paper. Unless of course I slip into Minnesota or Michigan boundary waters. Isn’t it beautiful flame .

    Gregg Pfeifer
    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 889

    I finally bought my license online yesterday and it says …

    You ARE eligible to use your Wisconsin Driver’s License for display of some recreational approvals. Please visit for more information on where this use is permitted.

    I couldn’t find what some means nor find more info on on where it’s permitted. Who’d expect the new and improved system to work when the state can’t retain quality workers. I’d suggest carrying that paper license – you’d never know when you might need tp!

    Fort Atkinson , WI
    Posts: 281

    This may help you out Gregg.

    Try going to this this page.

    Go to the bottom of the page to where it says acceptable forms of proof. Click on open all. Talk about over complicating things. Good luck. LOL

    Ordered my Conservation Card over three weeks ago. Still waiting for it to show up in the mail.

    Kelly Jordan
    Fort Atikinson,Wisc
    Posts: 329

    Just got my card in the mail. One time deal at least. This new system sucks. I for one will miss back tag poker for the deer season. Wi DNR is now a gutted out, chopped everything, bare bones far from well oiled machine. doah

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