March Ice Fishing Rainy Lake

  • Aaron Snyder
    Posts: 28

    Looking for information on doing a DIY ice fishing trip to Rainy Lake in mid-March. Are there ice road options or trails of some sort to drive/pull by portal out on? Any suggested landings?

    I was planning to stay at Thunderbird Lodge. I’ve only found options for ice house rentals or guided trips. Sounds like there is an ice road in Voyageurs but it’s not open right now??

    Looking for any information people can share. Info is much appreciated. Thanks.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17487

    If this is going to become a annual trip a guide wouldn’t be a bad idea for the first trip. Rainy is loaded with currant.

    Good luck, let us know how the trip goes.

    Walker, Mn.
    Posts: 611

    The marina in Ranier most years has a ice road to Sand Pt area for walleyes. Road plowed I think it was 20.00… The park road gets you out East.. Check with Thunderbird they should know and also the one stop bait and gas should have info…be carefull on your own if travelling by snowmobile. I’ve fished it in March for crappies east by Kettle falls Dam now that was a adventure… I have a friend who guides lives on a island close to Rainer he knows the lake I go with him in March Crappie fishing. Pm me if you what a contact number. Crappies up to 16″

    Good Luck…

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