In that po picture I just realized the canner Is still on last batch had 4 quarts or 1 gallon

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In that po picture I just realized the canner Is still on last batch had 4 quarts or 1 gallon
Ran my cooker from 7am to 10pm last night. Cooked down about 100 gallons of sap to about 6 gallons. After final cooking today hoping for about 4 gallons syrup.
Weather is not looking good in the north metro. Think we will get a few more good sap runs this week but anticipating pulling taps next weekend. Thats about 2 to 3 weeks early. Back to trophy walleye season.
Good lord you guys are almost done, barely even started up Crosslake. Of course I have still deep frost.
Didn’t think it was going to run much yesterday or today but was I wrong. What a difference an hour drive makes. I live in st cloud we are sapping near mora. 50 gallons from 53 trees yesterday 68 gallons today going to be another busy weekend.
We’re in South West Wisconsin. Started tapping on Feb. 28th, pulled the taps March 8th. The sap flow petered out when we had warm nights above freezing. Built a roof to cook under this year. We collected 214 gallons of sap and cooked that down to 6 1/4 gallons plus a smidge of syrup.
I was ready to call it quits but damn the stuff ran like crazy yesterday. Over half my bags were running over the top when i got off work and the rest were getting close and still flowing alot. Left them for one more round.
We boiled down about 175 gallons last weekend, filtered it, now it sits in the fridge until we do our final boil. By the looks of the forecast, this last weekend might be it for us. We are sitting on about 80 more gallons of sap since Sunday. Very short season..
Well today was one for the record books for us 53 taps full by 11 am full again at 3 and still running like crazy 136 gallons so far today
Well today was one for the record books for us 53 taps full by 11 am full again at 3 and still running like crazy 136 gallons so far today
You can say that again! We went a emptied buckets yesterday. Just over 175 gallons in the last 2 days!! It’s running great now! We’ll have another hundred gallons by Friday. Going to be a long weekend of cooking & the weather is looking great for it!
Seems to be end of the season rush for us right now. Boiled 80 gallons yesterday and just about every container we have is still full of sap. Will boil another 80 today and guessing collect about the same. Friday looks to be the same to. With any luck hope to boil the last 80 Saturday and start cleaning things up for the season.
We got almost 200 gallons of sap yesterday, seems like its finally running good for us. Will start my reverse osmosis tonight and start boiling tomorrow night and all day Saturday. We should have close to 600 gallons of sap by Saturday.
We pulled our taps on the 27th of March. We boiled down somewhere around 600 gallons of sap, ended up with about 13 gallons of syrup. Turned out a nice, dark, amber color & thick. Just the way I like it. I thought we would end up with more syrup, but I think some of the rain we had ended up in our buckets, making our sap count a little high. It’s been a great spring and I’m glad that its done. My Honey Do list is getting long..
Until next year!
Anyone getting sap yet!? We’ve had our taps out since the 13th in the Cambridge area. Very little running until this last Saturday. Put out the rest of our taps and buckets & every tree we drilled was a leaker. Total of 54 taps out. The weather isn’t looking great for the sap to run this week, unfortunately.. Just wondering if anyone else is getting any yet?
We’re heading up to NE Wisconsin this weekend to join the family effort!
Of course, it’s snowing there right now, and will be cold through the weekend.
Looks like I am done in the Twin Cities. Sap collected this morning was very dark, mail carrier looked at it and said “looks like urine”.
Tough year with the wildly variable weather, yield was disappointing.
Looks like I am done in the Twin Cities. Sap collected this morning was very dark, mail carrier looked at it and said “looks like urine”.
Tough year with the wildly variable weather, yield was disappointing.
Well, that sounds like a bummer. Really hoping we aren’t in that category of it being almost over. Are you sure it didn’t just spoil from sitting in the 60+ degree weather you guys had down there?
I tapped three weeks ago in Washburn County WI. Finally started running a bit on Saturday but very slow. Maybe have 130 gallons of sap currently sitting in the woods. Won’t start my RO with less than 250 gallons of sap to do and even that is little for my new evaporator that is 3×5. Hopefully things pick up the next few days as our snow finally melted in the woods yesterday. Built a vacuum filter this year for filtering, was sick of the gravity filtering, hopefully this speeds things up.
Are you sure it didn’t just spoil from sitting in the 60+ degree weather you guys had down there?
Thats what im hoping. Had like 4 gallons in one tap last night that looked almost brown when i dumped it out. Thought maybe rain got in it. Dumped them all om the ground
Pretty slow here in Ham Lake. 40 taps and collected 35 gallons so far. Boiled that down to little over a gallon of syrup. After this rain and snow is done we will dump whatever is in the bags. Hope to get another batch or two this year. We made 15 gallons last year. Hope to get five gallons this year.
Hoping the discolored sap is the result of rain running down the tree trunks – my lids are covers but don’t seal tight to the bucket. I boiled on the 65 degree day, that sap was all gone when it got really warm. Odd year for weather, will see how it goes.
Hoping the discolored sap is the result of rain running down the tree trunks
That is my guess. Seems way too early for the trees to be done already. I know I am north of you a bit but the sap has hardly started running up here and we still have almost a full snow pack still on the ground.
We are sitting on about 65 gallons of sap since Sunday. Definitely running slow so far. Hopeful for a good run today & tomorrow. We will be boiling Saturday for sure.
Hoping the discolored sap is the result of rain running down the tree trunks – my lids are covers but don’t seal tight to the bucket. I boiled on the 65 degree day, that sap was all gone when it got really warm. Odd year for weather, will see how it goes.
Hopefully that’s all it was. I’ve never seen it in our buckets, but, our lids seal pretty good with a hole in the lid just big enough for the hose. It keeps the rain out too.
Pretty slow here in Ham Lake. 40 taps and collected 35 gallons so far. Boiled that down to little over a gallon of syrup. After this rain and snow is done we will dump whatever is in the bags. Hope to get another batch or two this year. We made 15 gallons last year. Hope to get five gallons this year.
Really a late start this year for sure. Last year we were wrapped up on the 27th. This year we will do our first boil on the 26th. We are hoping for at least a couple more weeks as well. But I don’t think we’ll get the yield we had last year. We shall see.
5 taps in my small yard, slow dripping so far. I still have 2 trees locked up, going to be interesting see how much I get.
we had a fun weekend with my brother’s family in NE Wisconsin. it was quite the fun experience and education. it was too cold for the sap to be running, but there was enough in the jugs to pull and thaw a couple dozen and enough sap in the tank from last week for their first cook of the season. looking at the forecast they are expecting a few days of round-the-clock pulling and cooking this week. great time, and my son kept asking if we could come up again next year to help out.
I got 40 pounds of ice discs from my 15 buckets yesterday. Thought they were frozen solid until I was unloading the gathering bucket into the tank and my thumb went though the ice into a pocket of sap. This week looks good in the Twin Cities for sap flow.
Later start than usual this season. Yesterday we managed to trudge through the waist deep snow & got 50 taps out in the Cambridge area. Hopefully we can get a few more when we can access some other areas of the woods.
Anyone else collecting yet!? How has the flow been?
We tapped 300 trees yesterday and are still putting the last few touches on our new sugar shack. Building a new deer processing side on the side of it as well
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