Maple Syrup 2024

  • MX1825
    Posts: 3319

    He dropped off a trailer with barrels and the boys are making $5-$8 a day right now after school.

    They love money, and every day you can see the cash registers in their heads clicking away <img

    Nothing wrong with that B-man. waytogo Making money the old fashioned way (working) is lost on many of today’s youth. doah

    Harris, MN
    Posts: 1372

    How’s everyone’s season going? We collected another 120 gallons last week and got it boiled down. We are up to a little over 6 Gallons of syrup for the year. We’ll still collect this week and see what the temps do in the long run before making a decision to pull our taps. Usually we’re just getting started in a week or two. We’re hoping for a prolonged season.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 9044

    I’ve got x2 maples ~12-14′ tall in my yard that I noticed yesterday are starting to bud. I’m located right by Pool 4. I’m not maple syrup expert, but won’t a few days of temps in the 60s and maybe even low 70s next weekend force more trees to start budding and shut down sap harvest around here?

    It will be interesting to see what happens when it’s 15 degrees Wednesday with a 20mph wind out of the North after being 65 degrees today.

    Posts: 4374

    I pulled 6 of my taps last wednesday cause their sap was turning yellow/grennish

    Harris, MN
    Posts: 1372

    It will be interesting to see what happens when it’s 15 degrees Wednesday with a 20mph wind out of the North after being 65 degrees today.

    Yes, generally the warmer weather will shut them down. That’s usually the cue to call it a season. But with the temps going from 58 today to 1 degree tomorrow night it won’t wreck anything & will force some frost back into the soil. The ground in the woods in Cambridge was still hard Saturday. Now next weekend it might be the end. Hard to say. I’ve only been doing it for 10 years and have obviously never had a season quite like this. It gets a little bit on the warm side for a day or two then the bottom just drops right out. And I think that’s been helping. Its been happening every week since January when we put our taps out.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 9044

    That 24 hour run of cold won’t do much for frost here. It’s right back to sunshine, no snow cover, and temps in the 50s and 60s by Thursday through the weekend.

    Harris, MN
    Posts: 1372

    Still below freezing for lows, here, except for Saturday & Sunday. I don’t think it’ll mess anything up. Just my 2 cents. I’ve been wrong a few times before.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13402

    Just pulled another batch off the cooker. Final boil on it tomorrow. That should put us around 8 gallons so far this year. Hoping for 15 gallons this year. Sap hasn’t really showed any signs of slowing down or turning yet. A lot of years we would just be starting to tap now.

    Dan Buchmann
    Posts: 61

    We boiled on Saturday, 350 gallons of sap before Reverse Osmosis, 115 after. Finished with 9 1/2 gallons of syrup. Just checked tanks tonight and have another 250 in tanks and probably 50 in bags. Hoping for a good run on Thursday and another boil Saturday or Sunday. I’m in Washburn County WI so temps aren’t quite as high as you guys in the cities but still getting too warm over the weekend. Hoping buds don’t pop.

    Harris, MN
    Posts: 1372

    Emptied buckets last night before the freeze and ended up with another 130 gallons. That’s our biggest 2 day haul this season. Temps get a little warm this weekend but right back to where they need to be on Monday.

    Wow Dan! That’s a lot of sap for a few days. How many taps are you guys running?

    Dan Buchmann
    Posts: 61

    We have 140 taps in. 110 on gravity tubing and 30 on bags. I had to pump last week at 10pm and the tubing was still running steady.

    Harris, MN
    Posts: 1372

    Tree’s are still running good in our area! We boiled down a little over 200 gallons this last weekend and already have 110 gallons collected this week. So far we have a hair over 11 Gallons of syrup canned. Temps still looking great for the next 10 days. Usually we’re just getting going about this time most seasons.

    Dan Buchmann
    Posts: 61

    Just came in from pumping one tank that had 190 gallons in it. I have another tank with 100 more gallons and maybe 30 or so in bags. Hoping to boil Monday. We are sitting at 19.5 gallons of syrup so far, hoping for 50 total. If we can survive the warm spell early next week I think we’ll get there.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13402

    Just pulled another batch off the cooker tonight. Color of thos batch sure turned dark. Think we might be done this weekend. Been a good season but time to get other things done.

    Harris, MN
    Posts: 1372

    The season was a longer than usual one. We went six weeks and called it after that. I don’t think we’ll ever start tapping trees in January again, but you never know. It was a nice, fun, long season.

    I estimate 700-800 gallons of sap and we ended up with 19 Gallons of finished Syrup.

    How’d your seasons go!?

    1. Syrup-2024-scaled.jpg

    2. Syrup-Jars-2024-scaled.jpg

    Wright County
    Posts: 3148

    19 gallons?!?! Are you making some whiskey with that or what?? Thats a lot of pancakes jester

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12493

    19 gallons?!?! Are you making some whiskey with that or what?? Thats a lot of pancakes jester

    Homemade maple syrup is the ultimate gift, right up there with morel mushrooms or walleye fillets! And on a related note, IceNeyes, you are my favorite IDO’er by far, and I think we are 4th or 5th cousins twice removed or whatever gets me into the Maple Syrup rotation… rotflol rotflol rotflol rotflol

    Harris, MN
    Posts: 1372

    19 gallons?!?! Are you making some whiskey with that or what?? Thats a lot of pancakes

    Never thought about making whiskey! Neighbor uses it & makes Amaretto. It’s me and two buddies. So we split it up. The neighbors get some for helping with wood cutting and collecting sap. My buddies parents get some for letting us use their land. We will sell some to friends to offset the costs of hose, buckets, taps, etc. When all is said and done, I brought home a little over 4 Gallons. I’ll give some away to family. I use a little bit to cook with in my Hamburgers, Homemade Bacon, Venison Breakfast Sausage. It gets used up one way or another.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19019

    Some day I would like to make some but for now I know enough people that do so we always have some on hand.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12493

    Never thought about making whiskey!

    Makes a decent mixer with some cheap canadian whiskey in a pinch too! rotflol

    Wright County
    Posts: 3148

    Never thought about making whiskey! Neighbor uses it & makes Amaretto. It’s me and two buddies. So we split it up. The neighbors get some for helping with wood cutting and collecting sap. My buddies parents get some for letting us use their land. We will sell some to friends to offset the costs of hose, buckets, taps, etc. When all is said and done, I brought home a little over 4 Gallons. I’ll give some away to family. I use a little bit to cook with in my Hamburgers, Homemade Bacon, Venison Breakfast Sausage. It gets used up one way or another.

    You need to find albert soady’s sweet sap whiskey recipe waytogo

    Posts: 67

    Are we tapping this weekend? Or waiting? Looks like ideal conditions for a week followed by cool down. Lots of frost this year also. Decisions decisions

    Posts: 4374

    Im thinking the mile of frost we must have will slow it down. Im waiting for the next warmup.

    Posts: 6641

    My plan is to tap a few trees this weekend and see how it goes. If they’re producing then we’ll hang jugs on more trees waytogo

    I’m not too optimistic, but worth a shot.

    Posts: 67

    I’m planning to test a couple trees also. Probably will be a slow start. We shall see!

    Harris, MN
    Posts: 1372

    We’re tapping this weekend. May or may not be too early, but it won’t hurt anything.

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3429

    I’ll be getting about 20 taps in this weekend and will get another 30-40 in right before the next warm up

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 9044

    The neighbors stopped by last night and said they are putting out one round of taps this weekend to see what things do. We don’t have many mature maples near the house out here, but I told them to have at it if they find a tree they like.

    32-49 degree temps every day for the next 8 days here, with temps at night in the 20s and low 30s. I’ve got a feeling the temps could overachieve once this snow is gone early next week and the dark ground is out to soak in the sun.

    Posts: 2123

    I am starting this weekend.

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