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  • Gabe Kuettner
    wabasha mn
    Posts: 348

    Heading says it all humming bird wires won’t hook up so going with my phone and a old finder a 110 fish buddy

    Posts: 3239

    Don’t give up………………don’t ever give up.

    Gabe Kuettner
    wabasha mn
    Posts: 348

    Not going to it takes a pair to go with out a decent finder though

    Posts: 6687

    What problems are you having with your bird? Wiring generally pretty simple. We can get you going.

    Gabe Kuettner
    wabasha mn
    Posts: 348

    I can’t get the wires stripped and never have worked with wires before I got the bird.Me and tried and intertwined the bird with minn kota wires.but it’s not working out right

    Posts: 7348


    Explain the bird and MK wire thing.
    We can get ya figured out waytogo

    Gabe Kuettner
    wabasha mn
    Posts: 348

    Ok well we had it hooked up with the trolling motor wires 10 gauges wires so we took the hummingbirds wires and twisted them into the 10 gauge one it worked great but the positive end came out and I can’t get it hooked up again so been without a finder last 2 trips and don’t know how I should connect the wires

    Cody Brunick
    Posts: 25

    Do you have a separate starting battery from your trolling motor battery? Run the Bird power wires on your starting battery if you do. Your trolling motor will cause interference on your depth finder. Do some searches online on how to splice a ring terminal onto your positive and negative wires and run them directly to the battery or a gang block if your boat has one. Make sure you have the positive wire fused somehow.

    Posts: 602

    Why are you trying to connect the hummingbird to your trolling motor? Does the motor have a built in transducer?

    Gabe Kuettner
    wabasha mn
    Posts: 348

    Connecting the humming bird to trolling motor battery because I don’t want to use my starter battery

    Posts: 6687

    Connect the tiny Humminbird wires right to the battery.
    Separate Alligator clips would be better than splicing into 10 ga wire

    Posts: 602

    If you have the bolts projecting from the top of your battery (I assume all marine batteries do) then pick up a pack of ring terminals for you Hummingbird and a set for your trolling motor.

    Ring Terminals

    Take your wire strippers and remove about 1/4″ of the plastic sheathing to expose the bare copper wire. Try not to damage the wire when stripping. Next slide the wire into your ring terminal and crimp into place. I always use the heat shrink connections for wiring in my boat. Repeat these steps for your trolling motor and you will have a good, solid connection. $5 for parts and another $10 if you need a wire stripper/crimper is all this will take.

    One other thing, if you don’t have your locator hooked up to a fuse bar, make sure that you wire an inline fuse to the positive lead on your Hummingbird. A 1-2 amp fuse should protect you.

    Finally, I have had no issues running my locator off of my trolling motor battery. It is an older greyscale one so maybe that helps.

    Any questions, fire away.

    Posts: 7348

    I can’t get it hooked up again

    I’m going to assume that the bird won’t turn on after the quick fix of putting the wire back with the twisting method.

    Any way the wires could’ve been put on opposite terminals? Have you tried hooking the bird up to the battery straight to see if it will turn on then?

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