Manitoba reports?

  • sticker
    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    We are heading up Sunday morning for our annual week long duck and goose hunt. Anyone been to Manitoba waterfowl hunting yet this year? Crops coming out? Bird numbers? Wet, dry, ponds dried up? Any help would be appreciated. I give a full report when we return.

    Rosemount, MN
    Posts: 544

    Here now. Lots of canada geese, very few snows. Ducks are very plentiful but you have to locate them. Theyre not too far south yet according to co i spoke with today. Geese are grouping up into bigger flocks now too. Still teal and a lot of local birds. Im 45 miles west of brandon now.

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    waytogo Thanks for the info and good luck! Don’t shoot them all though chased

    Rosemount, MN
    Posts: 544

    Sticker. Home now. Ducks seemed to have dispursed in the last 2 days. Hard to find. Lots of brown ducks on water, but malards have spead out and are hard to come by. We only hunt foelds. Some guys at hotel left early b/c of lack of birds. 2 of us limited on canadas and malards in 4 days but we had to work for ducks. Canadas are easy to come by. Still not many whites around that area yet. None south on the way back either. Malards were all young. None fully plumed yet. Still blue wings around too. 1st hard frost this morning. Skeeters buzzing me yesterday morning. Our hunt was great, but we have great territory with lots of water around. Good luck on your hunt. I’m going back for another week around the 15th. Im hoping whites amd northern birds are down by then. ????

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    Thanks for the info. We had a pretty good week, but I have to say a week of hunting in Canada is a young mans sport. Up at 4:30 am setting up 700 snow goose silo socks, 80 full body canadas and 6 dozen shells can wear a guy out, but if my 80 year old Dad can do it I guess I can.

    Monday and Tuesday were slow for us. There were some dark geese around but they were a little decoy shy, plus the rain on Sunday night kept us from getting into the field very far. Fortunately Tuesday night a good northern flight came in bringing a bunch of snows, good numbers of cackler geese and fresh ducks. Our hunting improved dramatically. On Wednesday we had our limit of dark geese by 10am.

    The last 3 days of the hunt were pretty good and made up for the slow start. Most of the crops were out of the field which did give the geese plenty of places to go.

    We ended up with 56 dark geese(4 short of our limit) 82 ducks(14 short of our limit) and 7 snow geese. Some of our best hunting was dressed in whites laying in the snow goose decoys without layout blinds. I really think the geese are getting wise to the layout blinds no matter how much you stubble them in. Here are a few pics from the week.

    1. IMG_20171004_103726552.jpg

    2. IMG_20171004_103834616_BURST000_COVER.jpg

    3. IMG_20171006_120845596.jpg

    4. IMG_20171004_191240204_HDR.jpg

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    A few more pics

    1. 20171002_120716_1507510028164.jpg

    2. 20171002_080944_1507510028840.jpg

    3. 20171002_170014_1507510027077.jpg

    4. IMG_20171002_124203656.jpg

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12254

    What a setup you guys have. Nice report and sounds like a damn good time to me.

    Beautiful pictures too. I love the Prarie Provinces, that desolate beauty is really something to see in the fall.

    Snows are pretty amazing to me. I love to read old hunting magazines and books from the early 1900s. It doesn’t seem as though there was a time when snows were ever reported to be easy to hunt.

    Nice report and pictures.


    Rosemount, MN
    Posts: 544

    Sticker. Im heading up again sunday for the week. Great report. Good to hear more birds are dropping down. I hear you on the young mans sport. We need 2 new young guys just to help. Bringing the whole load of decoys this time. Lots of work for 2. 2+ hours for 2 guys to set and pick up makes for a long day. Still looking forward to it though.

    Good hunting.

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    Sticker. Im heading up again sunday for the week. Great report. Good to hear more birds are dropping down. I hear you on the young mans sport. We need 2 new young guys just to help. Bringing the whole load of decoys this time. Lots of work for 2. 2+ hours for 2 guys to set and pick up makes for a long day. Still looking forward to it though.

    Good hunting.

    Good luck!! A ton of pintails this year. We got 25 pintails out of our 82 ducks which is way higher than normal. Actually had one flock of about 300 pintails come right into the decoys on the deck. They came from behind us and we saw them coming. It was a long line and they looped around, did a 180 and filed right into the dekes. That was the coolest thing I have ever seen. I was so amazed I only got one shot off doah I have seen it on tv, but never in real life before, very cool!!

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