Mandatory masks!?

  • Coletrain27
    Posts: 4800

    Again, if only we had a consistent message and education on proper mask use along with affordable access to high quality masks. That would go nicely with a well thought out plan on testing etc. sure would be nice to get back to normal, fishing in Canada, heading to the ballpark. Nah, we should probably just bitch online about people takin’ our freedoms

    Nah, I don’t need to go to Canada fishing or the ballpark waytogo

    Posts: 6617


    1. Screenshot_20200721-2001452.png

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5099

    You guys pontificate about our individual freedoms and that wearing masks or being forced to violate those freedoms. Even go so far as to relate mask regulations to violations of our right to bear arms.

    Yet, when someone makes a personal choice to wear a mask you allude to the fact they have mental illness.

    Have your own opinions and convictions….I have mine. But, don’t eviscerate others because your views don’t align. It seriously degrades your credibility.

    Posts: 6617

    You guys pontificate about our individual freedoms and that wearing masks or being forced to violate those freedoms. Even go so far as to relate mask regulations to violations of our right to bear arms.

    Yet, when someone makes a personal choice to wear a mask you allude to the fact they have mental illness.

    Have your own opinions and convictions….I have mine. But, don’t eviscerate others because your views don’t align. It seriously degrades your credibility.

    Matt we were both “eviscerating” people who were wearing them alone OUTSIDE on remote rivers…..

    Do you not see the irony in that? They’re so scared they’re even scared of themselves, which in fact IS a mental illness (anxiety disorder).

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5099

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Matt Moen wrote:</div>
    You guys pontificate about our individual freedoms and that wearing masks or being forced to violate those freedoms. Even go so far as to relate mask regulations to violations of our right to bear arms.

    Yet, when someone makes a personal choice to wear a mask you allude to the fact they have mental illness.

    Have your own opinions and convictions….I have mine. But, don’t eviscerate others because your views don’t align. It seriously degrades your credibility.

    Matt we were both “eviscerating” people who were wearing them alone on remote rivers…..

    Do you not see the irony in that? They’re so scared they’re even scared of themselves (which in fact is a mental illness)

    I’m alluding to the whole thread but who the hell cares if they are wearing a mask on a river. What if they are at extremely high risk if they get exposed? You were close enough to witness this so in a relative proximity to interact with them.

    If I wear a bike helmet riding down a neighborhood street am I mentally ill? The chance I get killed without one are infinitesimal. Could still happen though.

    My point is live and let live….why the heartburn over how people choose to protect themselves?

    Posts: 4800

    My point is live and let live…

    Exactly! Why force it on people then

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18728


    Whoever put that collage of masks together is an idiot because they still can’t see the difference in wearing one now as opposed to wearing one when spray painting. The mask during a pandemic is meant to keep YOUR viral particles from spreading. Those other masks are meant to keep spray paint, asbestos, and mining chemicals OUT.

    Fish To Escape
    Posts: 333

    My point is live and let live…

    Exactly! Why force it on people then

    Person wearing mask in situation that makes no sense = not hurting anyone

    Person not wearing a mask indoors who could have covid = potentially hurting people

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5099

    My point is live and let live…

    Exactly! Why force it on people then

    You are making my point. I didn’t say I was for or against masks. Or for or against mandating it.

    If you choose not to wear one then great. Your choice. Don’t judge the people that do, though. They made a choice just like you did.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


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    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5099


    Dammit Pug. Don’t bring your snarky common sense into this pointless internet argument.

    Kelly Jordan
    Fort Atikinson,Wisc
    Posts: 327

    Masks are NOT for YOUR protection, its is to protect anyone that is around you. You can say what you want about rights/freedom, but its also the right of everyone that goes to a public place,or business to not be in danger because of someone else choice to not wear one. Just don’t understand how its that difficult. But then again most people only care about themselves.
    Cant expect the leader of this country to do anything, since it was all a hoax according to him when it first showed up.

    Billy J
    Posts: 122

    What planet do you live on ? Its a mask , its not like they are asking you to take your shoes off before getting on a airplane or wear a seatbelt while your driving or god forbid go into a place of business with no shoes or a shirt !!!!

    Don it is the same as all your examples, Sober up

    Don Meier
    Butternut Wisconsin
    Posts: 1747

    What planet do you live on ? Its a mask , its not like they are asking you to take your shoes off before getting on a airplane or wear a seatbelt while your driving or god forbid go into a place of business with no shoes or a shirt !!!!

    Don it is the same as all your examples, Sober up
    [/quote] That’s all you got? Your hilarious!

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 21952

    If the mask is to protect you from me, then why are the n95 masks so highly recommended? They are a respirator that allows your beach to release as the breathing flap opens and nothing to come in?
    Seems backwards from what all you mask and virus experts are all scientifically trained in

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Stop with the lies. The orange man you fear never called the pandemic a hoax.

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6130

    Announcement today at 2:30

    Statewide mask mandate likely to be announced Wednesday

    Updated: July 21, 2020 10:08 PM
    Created: July 21, 2020 05:32 PM

    KSTP Chief Political Reporter Tom Hauser reports that Gov. Tim Walz is likely to announce a statewide mask mandate on Wednesday.

    In the last few weeks, the Governor has hinted that a mask mandate was possible. There are 28 other states that already have a mask mandate in place for at least parts of the state including Texas, New York, California and Illinois.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18971

    Well if its that dangerous to be among my fellow man I better start having my food delivered and avoid public places.

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6130

    Best quote I have heard on this>>>> hah Requiring face masks now is like suggesting better use of condoms at the baby shower….


    Reef W
    Posts: 3168

    Best quote I have heard on this>>>> hah Requiring face masks now is like suggesting better use of condoms at the baby shower….


    Because after seeing the consequences you decide you don’t want more kids right? That is a good one.

    St. Peter, MN
    Posts: 1283

    The line has been and is still flat in MN. The virus spread in MN has been relatively uniform since beginning of May. hospitalizations and ICU capacities haven’t been taxed in the least. We opened up the SAH order at the peak (or better worded pimple) of positives, hospitalizations, and deaths as well. (may 21-28). 2 Months later we sit at the nadir of deaths and hospitalizations (we never saw the promise of peaked hospitalizations or deaths from that (>12% positive pimple)).

    The media and politicians are spreading fear of our recent waxing of positives. Citing young people and pointing out bars around the state as the main source of the spread. Their answer is to mandate masks. Please tell me if the culprit is bar going young people, how everyone at Fleet Farm, Scheels, Cub, Hyvee, etc, etc wearing masks is the answer. When I go to the bar I am going to drink and soccialize. What do you suppose the young, bar goers are going to do when they get to the bar???? Take off their masks and drink and socialize. therefore the supposed inappropriate spread will continue. The State’s answer is asinine. Brilliant answer MN!!!!

    When the deaths started in MN, Walzy and the state’s infinite wisdom had positives return to LTCs. Deaths continued to increase. They wised up and set new standards and protocols for LTC’s. Low and behold the deaths have plummeted.

    MN is doing great. We need to have uniform spread (I believe college kids and school kids are necessary part of this) of the virus. while vaccine talk has been promising, we are still looking at next summer to fall before mass distribution happens in the very best case scenario. Therefore our best defense is the natural build up of immunity. I am not saying COVID parties. I believe Low viral loads are key (similar to vaccines) in order to minimize symptoms/hospitalizations while building antibodies at the same time. Kids need to go to school and teachers need to teach. Our society depends on it.

    IMHO the vulnerable need to recognize they are vulnerable and take precautions (aka STAY HOME and DISTANCE). LTC needs to be priority of the state to protect. The rest need to live their lives as Minnesotans and spread the virus at the rate we are going. We have single family homes with big yards, we work primarily white collar jobs (compared to other states), we are rural farmers. This is our protection! We are not Miami, Houston, LA, NYC, Detroit. those places trends have very little value here.

    Don Meier
    Butternut Wisconsin
    Posts: 1747

    When people refuse to take this seriously and minimize it and politicise it , it’s no wonder why this country has the problems it does . Another deep state conspiracy theory ? Willful ignorance or insanity ? Take your pick or use a shovel my observations of what’s happening in America today.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 216

    Herd immunity is not going to happen with this coronavirus. It attacks each individual differently and scientists are still seeing varying symptoms or none at all. Human to human transmission is deadly and if America wants to be great again, we all need to be considerate of one another or else this may surpass the Spanish flu pandemic.

    Princeton, MN
    Posts: 1297

    Everyone has their own opinions on the matter. If someone wants to wear one it doesn’t hurt my feelings in anyway. Do I feel like someone should be shot down for not wearing one? no. My question which many have asked if this is so dangerous to everyone how are homeless people not dead everywhere in the streets. I think the smart play would be to really isolate those deemed vulnerable until there is a vaccine. Maybe create special locations
    Of stores that will cater to them and be very cautious if at risk. I’m no expert nor do I desire to be one. The whole situation is crazy to wrap your mind around. One discussion is the masks. Then there’s everything from should schools be opened up to should there be fall sports.

    Don Meier
    Butternut Wisconsin
    Posts: 1747

    Stop with the lies. The orange man you fear never called the pandemic a hoax.

    No he called the pandemic the new Democratic Hoax .

    Posts: 4517

    You guys kill me, its such a simple thing to do to help stop the spread. Just wear a mask in public places and be safe. If you want to wear one in your car or on a river then go ahead who cares, just keep me and my family safe by using a mask inside places we both share.

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