Mandatory masks!?

  • Musky Ed
    Posts: 705

    Milwaukee mayor enacted a face mask requirement last week for all city residents and people coming into Milwaukee, due to so called health reasons, as he said everyone should be wearing masks, to do their part in stopping the spread. Funny thing is, that a couple of days after doing that, last weekend, he supposedly was spotted, and photographed up in very crowded Door county, yucking it up, out socializing without any mask on. Guess it was ok for him to tell everyone else that it was their responsibility to help stop the spread by wearing masks, but when it came to himself, in a very crowded environment, he didn’t feel the need to follow the same safety rules that he imposed on everyone else. This about control, and seeing how easily they can get you to go along with their nonsense, and nothing else. While masks that you and I buy, may slightly help in stopping the spread of someone that has the virus, they are less than 2% effective at protecting you from getting it.

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6243

    Well said, Musky Ed

    Fish To Escape
    Posts: 333

    I watched the Waltz mandate today.

    I have a health reason so I can’t wear a mask.
    That’s all you have to say to not wear one in public places. Period. It’s called HIPPA. They said it in the Mandate.

    Masks don’t work. If they do, don’t get pissed if I don’t wear one and you do. Yours works right?

    That is true, you don’t have to tell them what the health reason is but the business still doesn’t have to serve you or allow you in. They do have to provide you with “a reasonable accommodation” under the ADA if you have a disability. Car side delivery and other services would qualify.

    I am sure I am wasting my breath but you still don’t get the theory behind masks which is amazing at this point. Masks are meant to lessen the likelihood of an asymptomatic or pre–symptomatic person spreading it to other people.

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1438

    Just like everything else in life most people will follow the order and there will be those who feel entitled not to.

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1438

    Milwaukee mayor enacted a face mask requirement last week for all city residents and people coming into Milwaukee, due to so called health reasons, as he said everyone should be wearing masks, to do their part in stopping the spread. Funny thing is, that a couple of days after doing that, last weekend, he supposedly was spotted, and photographed up in very crowded Door county, yucking it up, out socializing without any mask on. Guess it was ok for him to tell everyone else that it was their responsibility to help stop the spread by wearing masks, but when it came to himself, in a very crowded environment, he didn’t feel the need to follow the same safety rules that he imposed on everyone else. This about control, and seeing how easily they can get you to go along with their nonsense, and nothing else. While masks that you and I buy, may slightly help in stopping the spread of someone that has the virus, they are less than 2% effective at protecting you from getting it.

    Based off what google says a ‘coalition of business leaders’ pushed for this requirement. The 15 member city council approved it and the mayor signed it. Sounds like they are not really going to enforce it. I am a bit surprised the mandate also requires it outside if you can’t distance? So the picture of him is sitting at an outside bar with his mask on the table. Maybe it was off to drink his beer(which is allowed in the Milwaukee mandate)? Other pictures have him wearing it. Even the photographer said it just was taken at a time he had if off but he was wearing it. She didn’t even find that an issue. It was him being at a bar that was so offensive. It is probably a bad look but to me that really doesn’t sound like his goal is to control people, but you are probably right. This whole thing is an experiment for those democrats to take away all of our freedoms!

    By the way where did you get that 2% effective? I would love to read that study.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18758

    Funny thing is, that a couple of days after doing that, last weekend, he supposedly was spotted, and photographed up in very crowded Door county, yucking it up, out socializing without any mask on.

    While I do agree with your statement on enacting a mask mandate and then not following it (completely hypocritical and stupid, especially for an elected official), technically if he was outside the city limits of Milwaukee, he would not have to wear one, correct? Door County is not Milwaukee. Milwaukee County is Milwaukee.

    This sort of patchwork mask mandate across the country and even individual states has created problems just like this. Someone who comes from 2 hours away where there’s no mandate into city limits where one is required and they maybe aren’t even aware of it.

    Fish To Escape
    Posts: 333

    Yes, he was outside of Milwaukee so no mask mandate and even the mandate says you are allowed to take it off to eat/drink which is what he did. He did explicitly say that “bars are a big part of the problem” so that part has some pretty hypocritical optics for sure

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6130

    So instead of representing healthcare workers he’s expected to work against them in the interest of the public?

    He is accountable to the interests of the public first and foremost.


    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    1. 20200722_225936_jpg-1515336.jpeg

    Reef W
    Posts: 3178

    Might as well just make it a meme thread…

    1. fkkpamfb1fb51.jpg

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    Touché fellow pudel man.

    greig john
    Posts: 106

    Americans during the 1918 Flu Pandemic

    1. MIJ-L-SPANISHFLU-0307-02.jpg

    Musky Ed
    Posts: 705

    Decided to look it up for you. I stopped looking at the first three sites I went to as it all read basically the same, and all this relates as to the use of surgical masks, that you and I have available to us. If you can find some N95 masks, you will get some protection, but the surgical masks that most all use, offer virtually no protection to you from others, as I stated. Their only real function is to help contain the droplets from those already infected.
    – ahealthierhomnc – not effective at protecting you from others
    – – only N95 effective at protecting you from others
    – – protects wearer against large droplets and sprays, does not provide the wearer with the reliable level of protection from inhaling smaller airborne particles, and is not considered respiratory protection.

    Reef W
    Posts: 3178

    While masks that you and I buy, may slightly help in stopping the spread of someone that has the virus

    Their only real function is to help contain the droplets from those already infected.

    Right… that’s the point. That’s why the CDC says:

    The finding adds to a growing body of evidence that cloth face coverings provide source control – that is, they help prevent the person wearing the mask from spreading COVID-19 to others. The main protection individuals gain from masking occurs when others in their communities also wear face coverings.

    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1104

    I have a health reason so I can’t wear a mask. That’s all you have to say to not wear one in public places. Period. It’s called HIPPA. They said it in the Mandate.

    It was painful listening to the Minnesota nice on MPR today where they just kept avoiding answering every second callers question about “What happens when anti-maskers just lie about medical conditions?”

    American and Southwest have now said “then find something else” – I would not be suprised if other private entities follow suit.

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1438

    Decided to look it up for you. I stopped looking at the first three sites I went to as it all read basically the same, and all this relates as to the use of surgical masks, that you and I have available to us. If you can find some N95 masks, you will get some protection, but the surgical masks that most all use, offer virtually no protection to you from others, as I stated. Their only real function is to help contain the droplets from those already infected.
    – ahealthierhomnc – not effective at protecting you from others
    – – only N95 effective at protecting you from others
    – – protects wearer against large droplets and sprays, does not provide the wearer with the reliable level of protection from inhaling smaller airborne particles, and is not considered respiratory protection.

    Ah ok. I have read several studies about different masks types. I thought you had an actual study that said 2%. thanks.

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1438

    Dr O on his podcast again talked about mask and made the points that Matt had referenced earlier in this thread. He said masks will not drive this into the ground like Redfield said. Just look at Hong Kong who just had the record high number of cases and they wear masks. BUT says you should wear them because they do offer protection if worn correctly, but distance is still the most important safeguard.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    Ill follow the law but once again I have to say how disappointed I am in this mandate. It is not fully supported by science and further damages the infrastructure of our society. Rant over. Ill go adjust by $&*@^*&%*& mask now. Thanks a lot. Headed to the cabin in sconny shortly where this madness does not exist,,,,,,yet.

    Posts: 12741

    Yeah the infrastructure of our society is doomed because a mask must be worn indoors around other people. Pretty sure this is way down the list of things that are damaging our infrastructure…we may want tackle the things at the top of the list first and see how that shakes out first.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    Yeah the infrastructure of our society is doomed because a mask must be worn indoors around other people. Pretty sure this is way down the list of things that are damaging our infrastructure…we may want tackle the things at the top of the list first and see how that shakes out first.


    I didnt rank it on the list “professor”. And your ranking means something to, you.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12561

    Yeah the infrastructure of our society is doomed because a mask must be worn indoors around other people. Pretty sure this is way down the list of things that are damaging our infrastructure…we may want tackle the things at the top of the list first and see how that shakes out first.

    Ripjiggen – If you think this whole mask wearing / Covid issue is not at the top of the list right now damaging our infrastructure – Please share some of those things you think are????

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18758

    How in the hell does doing something that helps society (wearing a mask to help slow down a pandemic) damage the ‘infrastructure’ of the same society?

    Give it up guys. You won’t convince anyone who doesn’t want to wear one that they should be.

    What I’m now wondering is how well it will be enforced. There’s been a lot of documented incidents of angry Karens out there. These places need to stop it AT THE DOOR. If you don’t have one, you can’t come in. If they don’t stop it at the entry point, there will be escalation.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12561

    How in the hell does doing something that helps society (wearing a mask to help slow down a pandemic) damage the ‘infrastructure’ of the same society?

    I know of a ton of people who had just started to get back out into society and spending money again, and now say they are not going to go out almost anyplace if they need to wear a mask all the time. If you don’t think that will have a negative effect on the economy and infrastructure then you simply don’t understand economics.

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Mike N wrote:</div>
    How in the hell does doing something that helps society (wearing a mask to help slow down a pandemic) damage the ‘infrastructure’ of the same society?

    I know of a ton of people who had just started to get back out into society and spending money again, and now say they are not going to go out almost anyplace if they need to wear a mask all the time. If you don’t think that will have a negative effect on the economy and infrastructure then you simply don’t understand economics.

    In economics you need a larger sample size spread across a larger region than the circle of people that you know to draw conclusions about the affects certain actions have on an economy.

    Considering your stance, i imagine you know a lot more anti-maskers than the average person does.

    Additionally its also possible that for every 1 person who says now im staying home instead of going outside with a mask on there will be another person who had previously been staying home that now feels safer to venture out and spend money

    Posts: 12741

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Ripjiggen wrote:</div>
    Yeah the infrastructure of our society is doomed because a mask must be worn indoors around other people. Pretty sure this is way down the list of things that are damaging our infrastructure…we may want tackle the things at the top of the list first and see how that shakes out first.

    Ripjiggen – If you think this whole mask wearing / Covid issue is not at the top of the list right now damaging our infrastructure – Please share some of those things you think are????

    Covid yes definitely up there. Throwing a mask on for half hour when you go into Cub not so much…I am not trying to convince anybody that they should or shouldn’t wear a mask. Don’t want to wear one then don’t. Really doesn’t bother me one way or the other. Just don’t think it is the demise of our society.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12561

    In economics you need a larger sample size spread across a larger region than the circle of people that you know to draw conclusions about the affects certain actions have on an economy.

    Considering your stance, i imagine you know a lot more anti-maskers than the average person does.

    Additionally its also possible that for every 1 person who says now im staying home instead of going outside with a mask on there will be another person who had previously been staying home that now feels safer to venture out and spend money

    Well most business owners ( that I know of anyway ) would probably not agree with you. But I am sure you know tons of business owners that will say that the business is the best its ever been. I guess only time will tell the total impact that all of this has on our economy.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12561

    < Throwing a mask on for half hour when you go into Cub not so much…I am not trying to convince anybody that they should or shouldn’t wear a mask. Don’t want to wear one then don’t. Really doesn’t bother me one way or the other. Just don’t think it is the demise of our society.

    Throwing a mask on for a 1/2 Hr. to go into a Cub is not the issue. The issue is the fear that is created when elected official’s tell the public that they must do this because it is dangerous to go out into the public without it. Its also the false sense of safety and security that some are getting by simply wearing one.

    Posts: 12741

    So is it to dangerous to go out in public, or is it a false sense of safety to go out in public. Kind of contradict yourself there?

    Do I think Covid is overblown some. Yup.
    Am I not going to keep doing what I have been doing before the mandate because I have to put on a mask inside public spaces. Yup.

    Maybe I just don’t visit those indoor spaces that I think it is a big deal to throw a mask on.

    Any who… I am about to launch the boat so by all means go back to arguing about this the rest of the day week month.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12561

    So is it to dangerous to go out in public, or is it a false sense of safety to go out in public. Kind of contradict yourself there?

    Any who… I am about to launch the boat so by all means go back to arguing about this the rest of the day week month.

    I did not say it was dangerous to go out in public. I was saying some feel it is unsafe because that is what elected official are telling them by requiring mask.

    Best of luck fishing. Looking a bite windy here tomorrow, but will most likely get out Sun. myself – Have a Great weekend !!!

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