Milwaukee mayor enacted a face mask requirement last week for all city residents and people coming into Milwaukee, due to so called health reasons, as he said everyone should be wearing masks, to do their part in stopping the spread. Funny thing is, that a couple of days after doing that, last weekend, he supposedly was spotted, and photographed up in very crowded Door county, yucking it up, out socializing without any mask on. Guess it was ok for him to tell everyone else that it was their responsibility to help stop the spread by wearing masks, but when it came to himself, in a very crowded environment, he didn’t feel the need to follow the same safety rules that he imposed on everyone else. This about control, and seeing how easily they can get you to go along with their nonsense, and nothing else. While masks that you and I buy, may slightly help in stopping the spread of someone that has the virus, they are less than 2% effective at protecting you from getting it.

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