Mandatory Boat decontamination coming???

  • basseyes
    Posts: 2687

    so much for fishing 24 hours day in Minnesota

    Unless you own lake shore or stay or launch at a resort. Until private launches/resort’s have inspectors or close their accesses, it’s all ignorant.

    Posts: 2123

    So question..

    Would this theory apply to all water crafts then, Paddle Boards/Kayaks/Canoes/ETC.. Seems to be the only logical answer. So what would be the cost to have a wash station and where do they drain to and how is that water treated?

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    So question..

    Would this theory apply to all water crafts then, Paddle Boards/Kayaks/Canoes/ETC.. Seems to be the only logical answer.

    —You assume logic has played a role in these discussions.

    So what would be the cost to have a wash station and where do they drain to and how is that water treated?

    —this, naturally, has never been considered

    Lake Osakis,MN
    Posts: 241

    No matter what they do there is no stopping it. My opinion is they should make it mandatory that every lake 10 acres or larger in the state gets invested with all invasives currently known to be in this state. Whenever a new invasive is found in a lake, the rest of the lakes get the same invasive. Maybe that would stop the whining that goes on on almost every fishing forum. Your not going to stop them from spreading so just get it over with. The sooner they get spread around the sooner people can change their fishing skills and adapt to the new norm.

    Posts: 7348

    Cut my foot couple times on some zeebs yesterday on the Croix, lil monkeybutts. Have to buy some water shoes, problem solved.

    Posts: 6687

    Hmmm, quick detach winch or winch post… Or quick detach boat eyelet..

    I can engineer something up quick.

    Absolutely AIS is a trogan horse.

    Something like this I would have a boat on a slip in the summer and I’ll guess they’re not worried about AIS in the winter months.


    La Crosse WI
    Posts: 101

    Hmmm, quick detach winch or winch post… Or quick detach boat eyelet..

    I can engineer something up quick.

    Absolutely AIS is a trogan horse.

    Something like this I would have a boat on a slip in the summer and I’ll guess they’re not worried about AIS in the winter months.


    I like this just crank out the winch about a foot or so and put another hook on that way zip tie never broken. LMAO

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    July 06, 2017 – 8:34 AM

    A two-state flotilla, armed with its enemies list, is poised to launch a multiday assault on numerous invasive species that threaten the St. Croix River separating Minnesota and Wisconsin.

    Posted at points stretching more than 40 miles, inspectors will staff three decontamination boats on each side of the river July 14 and 15 in a search-and-destroy mission against such invaders as zebra mussels, Eurasian watermilfoil, curly leaf pondweed, bighead carp, rusty crayfish and Asian clams.

    These invasives “are a threat to the overall health of the St. Croix River and its tributaries,” read a statement issued Wednesday by the St. Croix River Association, which will contribute four interns to the effort.

    “The St. Croix is one of the cleanest tributaries to the Mississippi River,” the statement continued. “It is a high-value fishery. … The introduction of aggressive invasive species into this complex system threatens the ecological integrity of the rivers as well as the unique cultural resources and our outdoor heritage.”

    The six decontamination boats are equipped with high-pressure and high-temperature wash units that will be trained on watercraft at public access points without allowing any of the water to run off into the river.

    The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) will post two wash units at landings in Washington County, and another will be operated by Chisago County at the Osceola Landing. Wisconsin’s DNR will staff its units at landings in Prescott, Hudson and St. Croix Falls.

    Along with being offered a thorough cleaning for their watercraft, boaters also will be advised on how they should properly clean, drain and dry their vessels to keep the invasives from spreading.

    Paul Walsh • 612-673-4482

    Interesting. How will spraying a vessel with hot water even slow the spread of bighead carp, rusty crayfish and Asian clams?

    Posts: 24658

    Interesting. How will spraying a vessel with hot water even slow the spread of bighead carp, rusty crayfish and Asian clams?

    Let’s not start using logic here. -)

    Posts: 749

    Post deleted. Nothing to see here. D

    Posts: 6687

    Oh come on!!

    This past weekend some kids at Prescott landing wanted to question me about AIS…I asked them who are they associated with, they said St. Croix River Association, I said take a hike.

    Not at all happy about washing Asian carp from my boat each time I launch. ) I will deny them access to do any such thing.

    So miffed.

    Posts: 6687

    invasive species that threaten the St. Croix River separating Minnesota and Wisconsin.


    search-and-destroy mission against such invaders as zebra mussels, Eurasian watermilfoil, curly leaf pondweed, bighead carp, rusty crayfish and Asian clams.


    These invasives “are a threat to the overall health of the St. Croix River and its tributaries,” read a statement issued Wednesday by the St. Croix River Association, which will contribute four interns to the effort.

    And every species listed is already present in the St Croix.

    I feel compelled to rip whomever man’s the wash station “a new one”.

    These idiots should have their hulls cleaned.. If you know what I mean!

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 1709

    The thing that drives me crazy is the lake associations have the PR power — they submit these press releases using phrases like “search and destroy,” saying WE’RE ATTACKING THE PROBLEM HEAD ON!!! — and the media is too stupid or lazy to do any of their own research on the topic or get any additional perspectives, they just regurgitate the press release and then naive readers take it as fact.

    La Crosse WI
    Posts: 101

    I have a question. let say they decontaminate your boat and take a little paint off. Who is going to pay for that. I will bet it will not be the DNR.

    Posts: 2218

    How does this work? Are they only worried about the non AIS waters? So once a lake has said AIS and it would have whatever invasive species would it now not be worried about?

    Would this end up applying to the Mississippi river? I just don’t get it. How can they shut down a public landing?

    Some weird stuff is going on over there on that side of the river? Maybe your all drinking to much purple water? tongue

    Twin Cities, USA
    Posts: 2094

    Please call the MnDNR & Gov. Dayton to stop the central inspection plan for East & West Sylvia, Lake John and Pleasant Lake near Annandale.


    In a first for Minnesota, Wright County to make watercraft inspections for aquatic invasive species mandatory
    In a first for Minnesota, Wright County to make watercraft inspections for aquatic invasive species mandatory
    The move signals a get-tough attitude toward a threat to Minnesota lakes.


    PS. This will not stop the spread, only stop you from enjoying Public Water’s

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 1709

    My biggest concern right now is that nobody is clearly explaining how this will work for boaters on a basic, practical level. After reading that article I only have more questions.

    This quote:

    “Wright County commissioners adopted the regional inspection program last month. Under the proposal, boaters entering the four lakes — East and West Sylvia, John and Pleasant — would first have to visit an inspection and decontamination station in Annandale.

    After inspection, a zip tie would be placed on their trailer. Any trailers at the four lakes found without a zip tie would be subject to a citation from county sheriff’s officers.”

    And this:

    “The whole point of the program is to remove the inspectors from the [individual] accesses, because that’s how it becomes more cost-effective”

    … at least both statements point to there being no gates around accesses or inspectors checking on launch; and the boat isn’t cable-tied to the trailer like is done in other states? But if that’s the case, let’s say you go in and get your inspection and a zip tie is placed on your trailer on a Monday morning. Is that only good for a single launch? Or for 24 hours? Or…? Does the sheriff clip it off when he checks the parking lot so you have to get re-inspected before you launch again? Otherwise what would stop someone from hitting Sylvia on Monday, the Mississippi River or another “infested” body on Tuesday, and then right back to Sylvia on Wednesday night?

    Michael C. Winther
    Reedsburg, WI
    Posts: 1523

    Once washed, the inspector applies a thin wire seal from the bow eye to the winch. You then drive to the launch ramp where another inspector checks the seal before you can launch. The act of launching will break the seal.

    Upon your return, you can go to the washdown, get cleaned and a new seal applied to speed things up prior to your next launch. As long as the seal has not be broken the launch inspector will let you launch next time, regardless if it the next day or a month later. You just need an intact seal or your boat has to go thru the washdown to get a fresh seal.

    Of course this can only be done during the posted hours when the launch and washdown station are open and manned.

    That kind of system is more palatable in an area with few lakes, such as the mountain west. It’s more likely the decon site is right at the lake you’re fishing. In midwestern states there’s too many lakes and launches to cover them, creating a lot more difficulty getting to a “regional” decon site during open hours. And it’s still cheap to put gates across all those launches.

    Controlling access isn’t proven to be more effective than education. Just more irritating.

    Posts: 756

    What are the consequences if you tell them to f-off and launch anyway? Are penalties in place?

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 1709

    What are the consequences if you tell them to f-off and launch anyway? Are penalties in place?

    According to the article that’s now how it will work. There will be no one to tell to F-off, no one at the launch to stop you. But if the fuzz come to check the lot and your trailer doesn’t have a magical zip tie you’ll be ticketed. Doesn’t say how much of course.

    Twin Cities, USA
    Posts: 2094

    All “Feel Good Fuzzy Logic”!

    Shell Rock Iowa
    Posts: 3140

    But if the fuzz come to check the lot and your trailer doesn’t have a magical zip tie you’ll be ticketed.

    Not that anyone would remove or mess with said magical zip tie,,,,,,,,,,, ya right. Easy way to create a headache for boaters(with out causing any actual damage) and a good way to discourage them from returning.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 1709

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>pool2fool wrote:</div>
    But if the fuzz come to check the lot and your trailer doesn’t have a magical zip tie you’ll be ticketed.

    Not that anyone would remove or mess with said magical zip tie,,,,,,,,,,, ya right. Easy way to create a headache for boaters(with out causing any actual damage) and a good way to discourage them from returning.

    Good point, and yet another reason why this won’t work.

    Posts: 2123

    Can’t you just buy your own zip ties, I am sure you find them online. However, are they recording stickers on the trailers or plates?

    Posts: 6687

    All in favor of AIS Stickers )

    Nobody at landing to enforce?
    Maybe they’ll be a sign at the landing… You know, like the already present AIS signs that are ignored.

    So here’s how it’ll go.
    Boat pulls into ramp unaware of needing zip tie. CO is present and tells boat operator to go get a decon… Boat operator goes to a different lake where co isn’t… And launches.

    Or. Boat pulls into ramp and nobody there. They didn’t know about said zip tie. They launch.

    Seems like a sticker will be as ineffective as this.

    This is all so silly since those imposing these new rules are unaware of the present infestations. I suppose they figure the lakes, and rivers aren’t infested because they wouldn’t know any different if they were or not.

    Ignorance with ears closed.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17381

    You guys with the GoPro camera’s need to flip the script on this business. When questioned or stopped flip the camera’s on and let them know you are recording. Then start asking the questions. What AIS species is in this lake? What does it look like? How long has it been present? What is the actual harm it does? How long have you been inspecting? What training did you get and how long did it take? Was it a written exam or did you just listen and take notes? Who are you working for? Do you contact a DNR officer if you have a problem? If so, who, whats his or her name? How long does it take them to get here?

    Once home go ahead and post it to You Tube and Facebook. Be sure to include the date, time & location of the encounter.

    After-all, if they are going to waste our time, turn-about should be fair play, correct?

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Ban boating. Be done with it.

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1403

    So they put a zip tie on my boat and trailer that will break off when I launch the boat. That zip tie now has to stay on my trailer so they know when they come by checking that I had my boat decontaminated. What stops the guy that comes in after me and didn’t get a zip tie and takes my zip tie from my trailer and puts it on his?

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1403

    Something like this I would have a boat on a slip in the summer and I’ll guess they’re not worried about AIS in the winter months.

    You will have to bring your ice scoop and auger in to get decontaminated and marked each time you go out. doah

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