Mahtomedi City Council Seeking to Close White Bear Lake Ice Fishing Access

  • KPE
    River Falls, WI
    Posts: 1771

    Great job Mahto! When I lived in Hastings my neighbors discovered a sneaky plan to run a 10ft wide public waking path right through our backyards because one of the council members wanted to get from their house to the park without using the city street. It would have affected around 20 homes, but the petition saw over 45 signatures and we successfully shut down the prospect, at least for the time being. This saved the city taxpayers $180k.

    I’ve since moved out to a rural area but keep in touch with all of my old neighbors. Sounds like the city council has been neglecting upkeep in their portion of the drainage swale now, which they were supposed to fix instead of making a sidewalk. They suspect it will make its way back onto the council plan eventually, buried amongst confusing and unclear literature. It might be a battle for you but keep on fighting. The thing I miss most about MN is the free water accesses which seem to be nonexistent in WI. Taking one away, especially for such a selfish reason, is really a strong statement against outdoorsmen and women. Petition signed and best of luck! I’ll tell my friends in live in WBL and Mahtomedi to look for your petition as well.

    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 1397

    Public access is public access. It frustrates me when people buy property and then want to change the rules so it is better for them. They tried the same thing here and it failed. Good thing there are people like you keeping an eye of what the council is doing and informing others. Keep up the good work!

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    Signed and shared my friend. I don’t ice fish and think I’ve seen the lake once, but taking away a PUBLIC winter access for those who enjoy ice fishing is just wrong.

    Posts: 1263

    Great job Mahto! When I lived in Hastings my neighbors discovered a sneaky plan to run a 10ft wide public waking path right through our backyards because one of the council members wanted to get from their house to the park without using the city street. It would have affected around 20 homes, but the petition saw over 45 signatures and we successfully shut down the prospect, at least for the time being. This saved the city taxpayers $180k.

    I’ve since moved out to a rural area but keep in touch with all of my old neighbors. Sounds like the city council has been neglecting upkeep in their portion of the drainage swale now, which they were supposed to fix instead of making a sidewalk. They suspect it will make its way back onto the council plan eventually, buried amongst confusing and unclear literature. It might be a battle for you but keep on fighting. The thing I miss most about MN is the free water accesses which seem to be nonexistent in WI. Taking one away, especially for such a selfish reason, is really a strong statement against outdoorsmen and women. Petition signed and best of luck! I’ll tell my friends in live in WBL and Mahtomedi to look for your petition as well.

    Here in my area we have found many undeveloped access points, Some that the seasonal cabin people have built on. and when the township goes to clear them all hell breaks loose, “Not on our lake!” well it’s not your lake, it belongs to the public! I never have seen more crazy people go so nuts over something that doesn’t belong to them.

    Posts: 172

    Way to Go Mahto! Thanks for defending public access to a public resource.

    If this were to somehow pass then I think the only rational thing to do is hold large, very loud gatherings on the ice right by the council members house.

    As always with this type of stuff….just a big old case of NIMBY.

    SE MN
    Posts: 5241

    It took maybe 15 minutes of searching to determine that one of the newly elected (in 2020) council members lives in the house directly south of that access.


    fished it one time in my life but if this true, please get all the guys using 30 year old jiffy 2 stroke augers out in front of their house and let em rip! #dontkickyourgas

    Joe Jarl
    SW Wright County
    Posts: 2184


    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 4285

    I signed. Ticks me off just like the dam Railroad here in Wisconsin shutting down access to the Mississippi.

    Posts: 1054


    Posts: 760

    Signed and sent to a few thousand of my friends who won’t stand for people who abuse their power.

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11050

    A new agenda has been released for tomorrow’s city council meeting and there is no mention of any closure or gate or overnight closure to the access. I’m cautiously calling this a win but will still be on the zoom meeting tomorrow night to make sure nothing is attempted to slide by us. THANK YOU to everyone who signed the petition and lended any kind of support! I think they got the message.

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6680

    Great to hear good job bud! Glad to help waytogo

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11050

    Yeah we are past all of that. I spoke at the parks board meeting last week and have been conversing with many of them during the last week. I think it’s changed their thoughts. The newest agenda has the original discussion section about the access left off. As I said, I’ll be watching the zoom meeting in case it is brought up again.

    Posts: 760

    Congratulations on your victory, well done. But unfortunately, if a councilmember wants something, it will happen. Usually they just change the narrative, something along the lines of “but this is for the safety of the public” will virtually guarantee they accomplish their agenda next time. This is how the swamp got so deep.
    I applaud you in your current win, though, you did what’s right, and oftentimes that is just too difficult for most men.
    Hold the feet of each and every politician to the fire, they’ve stolen our great country, and have turned it against us.

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11050

    Guess not. Ha! So we got word that a few homeowners around the access are planning on speaking directly to the council during the meeting, so it looks like we will be defending it tomorrow night anyway. However we did learn that this access was built with a DNR grant in 97 and apparently there’s a clause with those grants that they must remain public and OPEN ACCESS with no limitations. And I believe we have a DNR rep that will be attending the zoom meeting and will hopefully be the dagger in this argument.

    Posts: 760

    When a politician attempts to circumvent the public and put through legislation that benefits themselves personally, but takes rights away from the general public, that is certainly not a democracy.
    Did the offending councilmember run their campaign on the issue of closing the public beach to the public? I don’t believe a single citizen voted to elect the councilmember based on that issue.
    It’s been running rampant for too long, and it is refreshing to see individuals triumph over tyranny. Even on such a relatively small issue.

    Posts: 760

    Keep on fighting the good fight mahto.

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 4285

    Congratulations on your victory, well done. But unfortunately, if a councilmember wants something, it will happen. Usually they just change the narrative, something along the lines of “but this is for the safety of the public” will virtually guarantee they accomplish their agenda next time. This is how the swamp got so deep.

    The famous line—If something were to happen the city might be liable. Council person talks to insurance carrier to gain support for their own agenda. Outcome is—We need to close for liability reasons. Bunch of BS most of the time.

    I applaud you in your current win, though, you did what’s right, and oftentimes that is just too difficult for most men.
    Hold the feet of each and every politician to the fire, they’ve stolen our great country, and have turned it against us.

    X2 on you winning this battle. Hope you win the war!

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11050

    When a politician attempts to circumvent the public and put through legislation that benefits themselves personally, but takes rights away from the general public, that is certainly not a democracy.
    Did the offending councilmember run their campaign on the issue of closing the public beach to the public? I don’t believe a single citizen voted to elect the councilmember based on that issue.
    It’s been running rampant for too long, and it is refreshing to see individuals triumph over tyranny. Even on such a relatively small issue.

    Unfortunately you’ve kind of nailed this one. She didn’t need a campaign because she ran unopposed…..

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11050

    Here is tonight 7pm meeting zoom ID and password:

    Meeting ID: 847 2711 6795

    Passcode: 806866

    Apparently a few homeowners including the councilwoman’s husband is making a presentation on limiting the hours of the access. Please join the meeting if you can to show support.

    Posts: 542

    In other news, I’ve changed my plans to only go out of the Mahtomedi launch for the winter. Forget Bellaire and Ramsey park. Might be a good time to delete my muffler and really let the bad boy sing.

    Posts: 760

    Just from the tiny bit of info you’ve posted here, mahto, I can assure you they are not going to let this rest. The bit about you being aware at one point just a day or so ago, that they were going to drop the matter, was them trying to disarm you and get you to stop pursuing it. And the fact that the homeowners are now making a statement is a clear indication that they had never abandoned their cause. They have now decided to go full speed ahead.

    As far as I know, you are 100% correct about restricting access to property that was purchased with DNR dollars. Make every effort possible to be sure that DNR agent is on your side ahead of time, and that he/she will be attending and making a statement – if they seem agreeable, tell them to come prepared. That will be crucial. The MN DNR is a very powerful entity, but the city council has their ways too. I wouldn’t be surprised if they attempt to purchase the property from the DNR in order to “lighten the burden on such an important institution” or some chit like that. Fortunately, the DNR rarely gives up control of anything. But money talks, and the Mahtomedi City Council, as well as lakefront property owners, have access to money.

    Posts: 699

    I won’t be able to jump in the meeting, but please keep this thread updated! Good luck!

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8871

    They are just getting started in their efforts. Don’t let up and stay firm in attending Zoom meetings and posting info here. I’d join if I wasn’t working late tonight just for the “strength in numbers” feel.

    Posts: 760

    Hey mahto, you did well at the meeting. Level headed and reasonable. Will get you farther than being an irate individual with that group. Unfortunately, I don’t see this ending well unless the DNR gets involved. The Parks guy actually sounded reasonable. I think if the DNR were to give him a bit of legal information, they may be able to shut this down for a while – until those 14 households hire an attorney.
    Keep up the good work

    Posts: 3239

    I drive out of this beach a handful of times each winter.

    The problem I see in fighting this possible closure is that it’s not considered a public access. It’s a beach.

    I’m assuming it is owned by the city?

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