Mag 2000 blade specs

  • Regularpaul
    Posts: 83

    I’ve been seeing lots of talk of chipper blades not cutting well or not cutting at all.

    I want to tinker with my auger, which cuts decent, but would like to see if I can tweak it a bit and get it cutting better.

    I sharpen my blade myself, so I’m pretty sure I’ve got that down fine.

    What I’m really looking for is if anyone has a Mag 2000 that they KNOW has true flighting and proper angle for blade attachment. I bought mine used so even though I treat it well I don’t know how it was treated before.

    I could eyeball and bend and test the angle but if I had a reference to start from or aim for I think that’d be best.

    Does that make sense? Thanks!

    Walleyestudent Andy Cox
    Garrison MN-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 4484

    Does that make sense? Thanks!

    Yes and no. I have a Mag 2000 with 8″ chipper blade. Guess I don’t KNOW that it has true flighting and proper angle for blade attachment. However it always cut fairly well, given that it just uses the one blade. Granted, not like 2 lazer blades on clean ice, but that chipper cut through fine.

    So what doesn’t make so much sense is what are you asking me (us)? To possibly post a pic of the blade and how it is attached?

    Posts: 83

    Sorry, I pounded this out pretty quickly and could’ve been more clear.

    I know how the blade should be mounted correctly so that’s not it.

    Say, for instance, you set the auger on the point on flat ground with the shaft perfectly upright and square to the ground and measured the downward deflection of a properly angled blade edge on an auger that cuts well (for a chipper), like in degrees down from perfectly horizontal. I’m wondering what that would be or what it would look like.

    Maybe I’m overthinking it and I need to just start bending or shimming a bit; I don’t mind fiddling around with it. Just every now and then I get a wild hair and like to apply a little method to my madness )

    Walleyestudent Andy Cox
    Garrison MN-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 4484

    Just every now and then I get a wild hair and like to apply a little method to my madness )

    A wild hair can easily be resolved with a shave and a good haircut. And then there are those that prefer to apply a little method to their madness, and those that will always apply a little madness to their methods. crazy

    Your post/inquiry here leads me to believe you lean more towards the latter. Regardless…

    …last call. If you’d like, I can post pics of my Mag 2000 chipper blade for your “madness”. I bought the auger brand new and the blade I would assume was set to the factory specs and should still be. It has not yet fallen out of my truck. Drilled fine all the time.

    Posts: 83

    I’d definitely say I’m more the analytical type and like doing things the hard way/from scratch if I can learn something new from it. I’ve built/made a lot of things just to see if I could. The more I think about it now there might be a pretty fine line between method and madness …but I digress.

    If you’re willing to humor me and post a pic or two I’d really appreciate it!


    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13923

    I’m pretty sure they are not set to an absolute spec. When I got mine, it had shims in the box. It was pretty generic directions and explanations. Basicly, it said if is cut like crap, here is how to install shims

    Walleyestudent Andy Cox
    Garrison MN-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 4484

    If you’re willing to humor me and post a pic or two I’d really appreciate it!


    Being that like I to humor myself first, I will pull it out into the sunshine tomorrow and take the best “Glamour” photos I can. What ever you get out of it will be secondary now. I have my own “madness” to deal with. jester

    Walleyestudent Andy Cox
    Garrison MN-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 4484

    I followed through to humor both you and me. This satisfied my “madness” for one day only. I’m not sure if the pics are of any use to you, but now I can tell myself and everyone else that I got the ole Mag 2000 out and got some use out of it. roll
    Perhaps you can measure distances in the pics and then apply complex mathematical applications to help you with your “madness”… jester

    1. 20180113_150423.jpg

    2. 20180113_150449.jpg

    3. 20180113_150528.jpg

    Jason Guthmiller
    Posts: 105

    On the magnums we had in the early 90s to early 2000s if they cut good and started cutting slow and hard with a sharp blade we would sharpen the chisel point and would make a world of difference. We just used a file to get it fairly sharp and finished it with a stone or a knife steel.

    Posts: 83

    Thanks a ton! Excited to get into the lab and do some science! peace

    Dusty Gesinger
    Minnetrista, Minnesota
    Posts: 2421

    You can always take it to strikemaster or drock and have them set the angle, then make your own template at home as a master and then you always have it.

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