Waubesa gills

  • z-man
    Dousman, WI
    Posts: 1442

    Late report from last Friday, but better late than never. hit Waubesa with a buddy to target gills, and didn’t take long to find some cooperative fish. Parked the boat in 8 fow, and casted bobbers to edge of weed line towrds shore, and connected quickly. Ended up catching gills towards deep side as well. didn’t take long for other boats to cruise in and check us out, motoring within 20 feet of our bobbers and praking close. So we picked up, went to another area and had the same success. Ended up boating over 50 gills in about 4 hours, with only a couple under 8, and average sizeat 9 inches with a 10 inch bull being tops for the day. Also a couple 10 inch perch and a 13 inch crappie in the mix. Picked up at 1 pm, and headed over to the Rock to test the waters for ole marble-eye, and got 2 goats before heading home at 6.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Man, those are some fine gillies.

    Dousman, WI
    Posts: 1442

    Welcome back from Rainy, James. Tried hard to make it work, but couldn’t swing it. So my consolation trip was Waubesa on Friday, and Pool 4 tomorrow thru Saturday.

    Dousman, WI
    Posts: 1442

    Since the in-harbor Lake MI bite is behind this year due to warm temps, decided to try Waubesa for gills again yesterday. It had been a couple weeks since my last outing there, and niot sure what to expect, as typically fish elsewhere this time of year.
    Hit the weed break line in 6 to 7 fow where we did well the last couple of outings, and picked up a fish or two in 4 areas we relocated to, but no more than that. Decided to explore different parts of the lake, and our third stop produced some very good action. Anchored in 5 fow in a flat with low-growing weeds, and boated about 30 gills between 8 and 9.5 inches. The two of us kept 15 each in the 8 to 9 inch range, and released the bigger fish. Went on to fish for bass for the last hour or so, and called it a day at 3 pm to head home. got some pics, but forgot the camera this morning.
    Water temps weere at 62 degrees.

    John Schultz
    Portage, WI
    Posts: 3309

    sounds like a nice day on the water.

    Janesville wisconsin
    Posts: 149

    zman i spend alot of time fishing waubesa and it is nothing short of fantastic. However the Larger Gills are had on Kegonsa and mendota. Some even breaking the 11 inch mark for me this year. GREAT FISH NONETHELESS

    Dousman, WI
    Posts: 1442

    Yeah, I keep hearing that about Kegonsa. Going to have to give it a whirl next year. Just started fishing Waubesa this year, so will spread my wings a bit in 2011.

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