I was able to get out this past weekend for some ice fishing out on the chain. The temps were far from perfect, but the company was great. I was able to spend the weekend with my cousin from the area and we targeted perch for two days.
On Saturday, we were fishing perch in 27 feet of water and also decided to through some tipups out to try to pich up a stray walleye or two. Well in place of the walleyes, we ended up catching 4 northerns and lost two others. Truely not expected in that deep of water next to the bottom, I know they follow the forage, but have never caughtthem that deep, rather fun. We also ended up catching/keeping about 15 nice perch for the pan.
We headed out again on Sunday, but the results were not nearly as good We ended up catching only seven perch on the second day, but they were bigger than the ones caught on Saturday. Give and take I guess. Sorry, no pictures, didn’t take the camera out on the frozen tundra