Waubesa gills

  • z-man
    Dousman, WI
    Posts: 1442

    Well,a late post for a couple of outings in the past two weeks is better than no post, I guess. Hit the water for gills twice in the past 2 weeks, and got on them both times. Not fast and furious by any means, but left with 40 gills both times for two guys, all in the 8 to 8 1/4 range, and released some smaller ones, and a few 9 plus inchers. The mornings started out with the fish hanging in or near weed pockets in 5 fow, and later when things slowed down, we slipped out to 10 fow or so, and had a more sporadic bite. Giant reds and gulp helgrmaites both took fish.

    I did notice that the weed growth was sparser than what I’ve seen out here in past years, with a less defined weed edge as well.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Thanks for sharing Z! I’m heading out to trap a gill meal this weekend.

    Chuck Melcher
    SE Wisconsin, Racine County
    Posts: 1966

    Thanks for the update Z man…. may be hitting Menona in the next couple days, with the intent of spending part of the day on Waubesa or Mendota.

    Last time I was on Menona, they were deeper, and I was drifting over them.

    Dousman, WI
    Posts: 1442

    I’m curious, Cycle Guy. When you fish more than one of the Madison chain on the same day, do you motor over between lakes using the locks/channel system, or do you land the boat and trailer over? Been meaning to spend a whole day out there, and try the interconnecting channels, but haven’t done it yet.

    Dousman, WI
    Posts: 1442

    Hit Waubesa today for the first late summer trip, targeting gills. We were rewarded with a mess of beefy gills, with most in the 8 to 8.75 inch size class, and a few right at nine. Did not have to sort thru any little ones, except for one at 6 inches. But the bite was very subtle until the breeze picked up. Using rocket bobbers, you’d only see a very slight bit of bobber movement, and then it would stand up but stay still…no runs, no pulling the bobber under. After being outfished 10 to zero, my buddy, who used a conventional bobber,cried uncle and borrowed a rocket, and started catching fish. After the breeze kicked in, the bites were more aggressive. Trout worms and Gulp Helgramites did the damage, in 6 to 7 fow.

    Dousman, WI
    Posts: 1442

    Pretty cold this morning, as we started fishing at 9. But surprisingly, the gills remained cooperative, despite the cold front. Joined by my son-in-law and grandson, we boated over 50 gills, and a dozen or so yellow bass, white bass and perch today, in 6 hours of fishing, and kept some gills for tomorrows family fish fry. Most gills caught today were again in the 8 to 9 inch range, caught in 6 to 7 fow, with big reds under a rocket bobber. Had to move a couple times to find a steady bite, but the persistence payed off. As the winds calmed down and temps rose in early afternoon, we just soaked it all up, knowing full and well that old man winter is lurking right around the corner.

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