Mad magazine- blast from the past

  • bigpike
    Posts: 6259

    Back story is my mother sold her house last fall. After 50 years the house I moved in at 5 years old. It was “my house”.

    Well 50 years of living makes for moms youngest son getting many boxes of stuff. I waited to go through it all as some was my fathers, some mine and some whatever mom put inside.

    Amomg the many pieces I found my old Mad magazine. It took me awhile to age the magazine as it had no date code on it. Looking at uncle Sam on the back cover he was listed as 198 years old. That puts this magazine at 1974. A nine year old lil pike.

    The uncle sam really caught my eye. As I read the different anatomy blurbs I had to chuckle. I remember buying Mad magazine on a regular basis.
    The era had Watergate, Vietnam war and China. Some things never change (dirty politics, war, and China).

    Hope you enjoy and for some of you it brings back fun memories.

    1. 20210420_073213-scaled.jpg

    2. 20210420_071805-scaled.jpg

    Posts: 6259

    Close ups..

    1. 20210420_073225-scaled.jpg

    2. 20210420_073221-scaled.jpg

    Posts: 6259

    And last two

    1. 20210420_073231-scaled.jpg

    2. 20210420_073229-scaled.jpg

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19015

    Is the back page on all of them folded? lol

    Central Mn North of the smiley water tower
    Posts: 3246


    Quad Cities
    Posts: 2849

    Did you find in your attic, I know, I know that is another story. LMBO.

    Posts: 2872

    Alfred E. Newman.It’s been awhile since i’ve seen him.

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)

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