lx9 or flx28

  • Justin Gamerdinger
    Posts: 50

    I’m on the fence and welcome opinions. I currently have a lx9 that is maybe a month old.Just not sure if I want to keep or sell it. If I sell id be buing a flx28. thoughts and opinions.

    Trevor Ellingson
    Long Lake, MN
    Posts: 58

    Its difficult to compare these units apples to apples because they are very different. You need to decide how important the digital platform, customization, camera and ability to switch from flasher to vertical or graph (among other features) is to you. If its a deal breaker getting rid of any of these, then you won’t be happy. As far as the 28 goes, its a great flasher and I was super happy with mine. If you want a really nice flasher that you can just turn on and use its great. I just like to switch up gear too often.

    Justin Gamerdinger
    Posts: 50

    thats my problem as well. I got a great deal on the lx9 and got offered a good amount of cash and a flx28 for trade but I’m still unsure. i really like all the lx9 has to offer. I just wish it was more hole hoppin friendly. I bought a genz pack to see if that helps.

    MN - 55082
    Posts: 1644

    I bought the lx7 the first week it was available. I like the unit, but always thought it was too clunky – it’s kinda like fishing with ET; I was frequently concerned with getting that awkward lil’ guy bundled up and home safely. I got the flx28 as a hole hopper right away. That has been super for any kind of fishing. I finally traded my lx7 for a lx6s, the smaller format is much less clunky IMO. It’s been working into the rotation more frequently than its bigger cousin did.

    If you’re a crappie angler and like to fish at night, I’d seriously consider the flx28. It’s a device based on simple signal fidelity and reads the entire water column in a simple and straightforward way. If you’re a walleye guy, anything will work. wave

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