I’m on the fence and welcome opinions. I currently have a lx9 that is maybe a month old.Just not sure if I want to keep or sell it. If I sell id be buing a flx28. thoughts and opions.
Why would you sell an LX9 and take a beating on it to buy a FLX28?
If you have that king of change burning holes in your pocket, why not just have both and then decide which you like better.
Better yet just keep one for the back-up or allow a friend that has none to use when you ask him to tag alone???
I switched from having separate Sonar and Camera units to the all-in-one LX9…when you can reduce weight and gain cargo space icefishing I think that’s the golden ticket…The built-in DVR is nice to have as well….
Well, if that slight lag matters to you then the flx28 is the right choice. But again the lx9 is a great unit. I have the lx7 and flx28 but I prefer my flx28. Thats just me. Keep what you like. GL
The LX9 is way more versatile and a better unit. It allows you different views and options that are easy to follow. In my opinion any flasher is just that… a flasher. Unless you need the newest and latest flasher why spend the money on that one? The only difference is the new bells and whistles and fancy colors on the new ones,and a few with zoom. Otherwise the flashers do the same thing no matter the brand. I have the LX7 and love it. Good luck in your decision.
I prefer the FLX-28. Easier to hole hop with and I prefer knobs on a unit for quick adjustments rather than buttons for menus. And I love the real time response.